Part 32

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Two days (and many excruciating combat classes) later, Up and Taz were on a drop-pod alone. Up was trying to figure out the controls- it was a brand new model- while Taz cleaned her zapper, making sure it didn't jam like it had during target practice the day before. Their drop-pod was hurtling to the nearby planet, the journey only taking 18 hours. Taz was restless, and decided that rolling around the drop-pod was less boring than staring out a window. Her bruise had almost healed, but her cheek still hurt.

The new drop-pods were to be used for small journeys, so they included a bathroom and small kitchenette, sort of like Taz's dorm room at the Academy. She was still extremely confused as to what her and Up were doing on the planet, but had agreed to going. February was still sleeping when they left, but Taz slipped her a note telling her she'd do her best. They left the next morning, after Taz had begged Up to let her go to the range so she could get some "target practice". They stepped in for a few instructors who had gotten food poisoning and took three combat classes, pushing the poor privates to their limits.

Up had finally figured out the landing gear, and Taz had knocked into his legs yet again. 'Taz, what are you doin'?'

She flopped onto her back and picked at her nails. 'Nada. Just bored. Are we landing soon?'

He nodded, and she quickly jumped to her feet and strapped into her chair. Taz gave a weak smile, feeling a little nervous about the pressure. Up pressed the final buttons on the panel, and sat next to Taz. She gripped the chair's arms, her knuckles going white. Up looked down out the corner of his eye, and placed his hand over Taz's. She shot him a look, but he ignored her. Taz relaxed a little, and the drop-pod began it's descent onto Tarakra.

A middle-aged brunette woman was the first to greet Taz and Up. She waited patiently as Taz found her legs (after the rough landing, it seemed as though they had turned to jelly, and Taz accused Up of doing it on purpose). The second she could stand, the brunette woman rushed forward and hugged Taz. Although shocked, Taz smiled kindly- she didn't want to offend who she assumed was February's mother.

She looked past Taz, and her hand flew to her mouth. 'Michael.' She breathed.

The woman ran forward, hurtling into Up's arms. Up hugged her back, smiling with his eyes squeezed shut. Taz was extremely confused, but slowly pieces of Up's past came back to her.

'Up's Aunt.' Taz whispered to herself. 'But dat makes February...'

She walked carefully to Up, standing behind him and slinging a few bags over her shoulder. She started to walk down the path to where she hoped the house was, but felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to the kind face- she was definitely related to Up. The blue eyes, the dark blonde hair.

'February has told me a lot about you, Taz.'

'Uh, dat's good I hope.' Taz replied cautiously.

The woman laughed. 'Of course it is! February never says anything bad about anyone. She changed a lot since...' She stopped.

Up shook his head behind Taz, but she saw him. 'What's going on, Up? Don't you dare trying to hide dis from me!'

Her angry comment startled Up, but he didn't want her to know. He couldn't tell her- she'd feel so bad for being mean to February.

Up took a deep breath, placed his hand on her shoulder, and guided her up the path. 'I'll tell you tomorrow Taz. It's... complicated. And midnight.'

He clicked the drop-pod lock button and checked he had all the bags they needed. Taz mumbled a few curse words at him in Spanish, which caused odd looks from Up's aunt. Up shook his head at her, letting her know that it was just a thing Taz did when she was angry.

The house was large, but there were limited bedrooms. Only one was left, much to Taz's surprise. She didn't know what to think, but nevertheless, set to unpacking the bare essentials. Up chuckled as Taz got comfy on the couch.

'Whatcha doin' Taz? There's a bed here.' Up dropped onto the bed and pulled the covers to his chin, but stayed looking at Taz.

'I don't think jour aunt would appreciate walking in on us being in de same bed, Up.' She mumbled, snuggling into the blanket.

'I woulda taken the couch, ya know.' He replied seriously, eyes not moving from her.

She sat up, giving him a strange look. 'Eh- water under de bridge.' Taz laid back down and fell asleep instantly, drifting into a peaceful dream.

About an hour later, Up felt the bed move a little. He sat up quickly, then realised it was only Taz. She was sleepwalking, and had somehow gotten to the bed and fallen hopelessly to it. Up snorted and dragged the blanket over her, only 86% sure that she was sleeping.

The next morning, Taz woke up to a rooster and fell off the bed. She rubbed her elbow and looked around, realising there was no way she could have fallen there from the couch. 'Shiiiiit.'

'Mouth of a sailor! Just like Up.'

Taz jumped and turned to the door, where Up's aunt stood with two cups of coffee. 'Uh, morning. I, um...'

'No need to explain, honey. I was expectin' Michael to take the couch and be a gentleman, but he's a little stubborn.' She smiled, placed the cups down, and sat on the couch.

Taz stood up and stretched, then motioned to the coffee. She nodded with a heart-warming smile. 'I assumed you liked coffee- Up likes anyone who likes coffee.'

Taz snorted, coffee almost coming out her nose. 'So, what's jour name?'

'Amanda. Amanda Highland- I'm his Aunty on his mother's side.' At the first mention of "his", she flicked her head towards Up.

'He still goes by Up, huh? Lucy used to call him that as a kid, and she never let it go. Guess he didn't either.' Amanda smiled, and patted the seat next to her.

Taz ambled over and sat awkwardly. Amanda was sweet, but she felt as though she was being sized up. Finally, Up yawned and rose to a sitting position.

'Mornin' ladies.' He smiled, the climbed out of the bed. 'Have a good sleep, Aunty?'

She nodded her reply. 'Coffee's on the dresser.'

Up gratefully sipped the coffee, and rubbing his neck, sat on the edge of the bed facing Taz. Amanda had stood up and started to leave, but turned and saw Taz's expression. She was clearly trying to avoid looking at Up, and Amanda realised why. As she left, she called over her shoulder.

'Put a shirt on Michael! Dead-God-damn-it you're makin' the girl uncomfortable.'

Up's head snapped towards Taz, whose hand was over her mouth as she held in her giggling. Up grabbed a pillow and covered his chest, but Taz dropped onto the couch laughing. She rolled around and finally fell to the floor, Up throwing the pillow at her.

'Hey!' She whined, throwing it back at him. 'Jou're de one who doesn't wear a shirt to bed! And speaking of bed, how in de hell did I get in dat one?'

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