Part 52

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A year of therapy sessions and rehab later, Up was on his way to healing fully. He had smashed a few things when he found out he was half-robot, but wasn't completely used to his robotic side yet and was taken down. He could barely walk properly, let alone run or fight. He had to go to therapy every day, but he only needed one thing to really get better: Taz.

She had been avoiding him since the day she saw him in that bed, and didn't plan on seeing him.

The Admiral had taken her aside a few more times, trying to explain his situation. Taz had a few things rush through her head as the Admiral talked, but they felt like someone else's memories. She twirled her hair a little, trying to brush it.

'Up was... grafted to a robot.'

Her right hand dropped, and brushed the hilt of her knife. Everts jumped as she whipped it out, fearing for her life.

'I'm sorry, darling. I had to tell you!'

Taz ignored her, gathered her hair in her hand, and cut her hair off. It dropped to the ground, and so did Taz. Up got off the treadmill, and his rehab officer slapped him on the back.

'Well done!' Billy smiled.

Up frowned, and punched him in the face. 'Don't patronise me.' And with that, he walked out.

Up marched down the hall, not sure where his feet were carrying him. He looked up, and suddenly he was outside a light silver door. The name plate read Lieutenant Taz, and before Up knew it, he was knocking on the door.

'Sí?' Taz asked, widening the door.

Her eyes opened wide, and she stepped back. 'Commander.' Taz saluted, and stood to attention.

'No need for that, Taz. At ease.' Up joked, but no smile crossed either face.

Taz nodded, and stepped aside to allow him access to her room. 'I've been meaning to find you, sir. To talk.' She looked over at him nervously, then quickly offered him a coffee.

Up nodded, and she awkwardly handed it to him. 'I don't know if you remember anything before the mission on Cronos, but I have been having dese- Uh, these- nightmares. And dreams, too.'

Up pondered the thought of putting his arm around her, but she was so different. And so am I. 'Look, Taz. I know your memory is all stuffed up and shit, but I do remember. I remember it all.'

She looked up, a spark in her eyes. Her accent slipped a little, making Up snort. 'Jou remember?'

He looked into his cup. 'I promised.'

Taz finally broke- her mind rushed back to what it was, every memory taking over her. A single tear dripped from her eyes, and her arms flew around his neck. Her native Spanish slurs spilled from her mouth, and she laughed into Up's neck. His hand clutched the back of her head, feeling the new length.

'Ya cut it again.'

She nodded, not removing her arms. 'I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry I forgot!'

Up hushed her, pulling her onto his lap. 'You don't need to apologise, Taz. This was not your fault! I don't know how many times I've said it before, but I'm always right.'

Taz scoffed- she was far too happy to reply. 'It wore off, just like de Admiral said.'

'Now there's that accent I love.' Up whispered, putting his forehead against Taz's. 'What happened to ya, Taz?'

'I don't know. De Admiral... she kept pulling me away and trying to explain some secret plan by the G.L.E.E, but I didn't believe her. She said dat Julie injected me with some kind of memory stuff, and dere was some big plan involving me and- jou.' Taz looked down, still sitting on Up's lap.

She saw a scar running over her shoulder, down her neck. Up ran his finger down it, gently grabbing the dog-tags that hung there. Instead of the ones that Up had given her, the basic, standard issue ones hung bleakly.

'Dey had to give me dese ones after Cronos- dey couldn't find de ones jou gave me.' Taz's head dropped, but Up lifted her chin back up and looked her in the eyes.

'Do you remember how many times we did this durin' missions?' Up asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Taz nodded, her forehead still pressed against Up's. 'I'm so tired, Up. I haven't slept.'

'I sorta figured. I'd wake up in a sweat, and I swear I could feel ya callin' out for me.'

Taz retreated inside herself. She had woken up every single night, screaming and crying out for someone- but she never knew who she was calling out to. A few times, she had normal dreams- flying through space, eating mountains of food- but there was always a presence. Even when her mind didn't remember him, Taz could feel him trying to bring her back.

'You want some sleep?' Up broke the silence.

Taz closed her eyes and let Up slip his hands under her knees. He stood up, bringing Taz with him. Her head hung over his shoulder, her legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. 'I'm 24 and a half, jou know.'

'Oh come on, Taz. Don't resist- you said it yourself.' Up lowered her onto her bed, and pulled a knife from her sheath.

He slipped it under her pillow, and Taz looked up at him sleepily. 'My... left pocket.'

Taz tried to reach into the pocket, but her hand fell clumsily to her side. 'Could jou...'

Up laughed off her clumsiness, and carefully reached into the belt around her waist. A small chain of metal lay with the dog-tags, and Up smiled as he read it. He ran his thumb over their names, and gently put them back.

'I found dem tucked into my knife sheath. When I woke up, dey hadn't changed my clothes and I was still wearing my gloves. I took dem off to shower, and I found something else.' Taz mumbled, cuddling into her pillow.

Up sat down beside her, trying to figure out what she was talking about. He was about to ask, but Taz was already snoring. He knew she wouldn't respond, but cracked a weak remark nonetheless.

'You do know that it's the middle of the day, right?'

But which day? Up's brow furrowed, and he ran to Taz's desk. He reached under piles of paperwork, photos and all kinds of things, until he finally found it- Taz's calendar. A few months were missing, but he quickly flicked through the paperwork and found a few screwed up pieces. September, February, March. Charlie, me, her. A large red heart circled his birthday, and a bright yellow star covered Charlie's. There was a hole ripped through hers, but he ran his hand over a piece of tape. I fixed that the day she ripped it. Up left and headed for his own room, determined to get some sleep himself.

Taz held her breath, and knocked on Up's door. She had put on her old uniform, finally feeling whole again. She'd been wearing the standard issue uniform- camo long sleeve, pants and boots with a cap and a long, dark braid. They tore away her identity, and she wanted it back more than anything. The door opened, and there he was yet again. His hair was messy and everywhere, but he didn't look tired. His white singlet covered the scar from the operation, but she still knew it was there. His skin was slightly discoloured, but Taz ignored it.

She ignored the strange feeling of his right hand on her skin- it was different, almost stiff. Taz pushed it all away- it didn't matter. She had him back, and she felt like she was home for the first time in almost ten years. Up held out his hand, and Taz took it without flinching. He walked her over to the old couch, and they sat down like they used to.

'I'm still a little fuzzy about things before Cronos. Do you remember anythin', Taz?' Up was clearly hinting at something, but Taz's memory stopped the day before landing on Cronos.

Taz chewed her cheek, turning something over in her hand. 'No. But I think something might have happened.'

Up reached over and quickly grabbed her hand. Taz wrestled it away, clutching it tight to her stomach. Up grabbed her fingers, prying them away to reveal a small silver ring.

The Commander's LieutenantWhere stories live. Discover now