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I feel like crying. I'm in a dark room with only one light. Let me rewind and tell you  how I got here.

I was kissing Duval when someone bust through the door. "You need to get out of here fast" it was Charlie. He looked worried and scared. I walk towards him and slapped him before running out. I didn't know what was happening.
"RUN CYNTHIA!!" I heard Duval shout behind me. I changed into a wolf and ran. I looked behind me seeing a group of people in black clothing following me. I run as fast as j could not stopping to turn around. Who ever they were they were after me. I felt like crying running.

I run into a house. It was more then dark it was pitch black, but I still run. When I get out of the house or building I was it its really bright which was what I expected after being in a dark thing. I carry on running when I see the people aren't  behind me anymore. I slow my speed, as I reach a lake. It's a beautiful lake with trees over lapping. Swans swimming graceful. "It was so romantic. Beautiful" I think out loud.
"Yes" a voice behind me. It was not one I recognised at all. I was then pushed into the lake. I tried to swim up for breath but I passed out.

I woke in the room. I'm crying because I'm the biggest mistake on the earth past and future. I don't listen. I don't do as I'm told. I doubt the truth. I'm a walking disaster. I should of ran when Duval told me to run. But no I stop at that lake instead. I miss Charlie. I miss my mum and dad I never knew I had. I miss everything I had.

While I'm sobbing to myself a figure comes into the light. I gasp I know who it is. It can't be he's behind this kidnapping I trusted him...

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