20th August 2042

839 74 4

I stood in the training arena; Harper by my side. Avery was giving a long chat about how proud of us she was that we all passed. She's currently talking about how she is starting to feel a 'good bond' between the Columbus soldiers and the 'outsiders'. I love how she says outsiders even though she knows we're from Chicago. I guess she just doesn't want everyone to know she has installed cameras in our rooms.

I unfolded my arms, dropping them down. I accidently brushed Harper's hand with mine, and I felt her freeze. I quickly crossed my arms again, hoping Avery didn't see it.

"So what tests are next for whom?" Avery said all happy chappy.

"We'll take guns." Harper called first. Once everyone had selected their test, we split up. Harper walked to the station a few feet in front of me, never turning back to make sure I was following. We reached the gun station with Noah and his trainer, Doug. Doug was a thin man, rather gaunt looking. I had heard a lot of people call him Doug the drug because he looks like he's been on meth all his life; although he has never touched it.

"You nervous?" Noah asked me.

"Don't talk to other Novices." Doug the drug said.

"Novice?" I asked Harper.

"Newcomer." She whispered. I nodded, looking back at the range of guns to choose from. I heard a bang and turned seeing the door doors opening and four men walking in. they all wore armour. "What are they doing here?"

"Who are they?" I asked.

"They're – nobody – just pick up a gun." She shrugged, turning around. I watched her as she leaned over and grabbed bullets. She stood up, looking back at me. She was biting her lip, and a little sweat had broken out on her forehead.

"Bit hot in here?" I asked.

"Oh – yeah." She nodded, her eyes flicking back to the four men. They were now talking to Avery, looking over to us then back to her.

"What's going on Harper?' I whispered, leaning in to get closer to her. "Who are those men?"

"No one." She shook her head. "Just pick up a gun."

"Harper -"

"Pick up a gun." She repeated. I rolled my eyes, turning and picking up a gun. I looked back to the men to see them starting to walk over to us.

"Harper..." I said.

"I know." She nodded, turning to face me. "Use the gun to protect yourself and anybody around you, don't shoot them for me."

"What?" I said.

"Don't let them kill anyone."

"Harper what's going on?" I said frantically.

"I love you." she tried to smile, going on her tippy toes and planting a quick kiss on my lips. She turned, but I grabbed her hand.

"That's enough." Someone said ripping her from my grip.

"Harper?" I yelled. Two of them men stepped in front of me, blocking me from getting to her.

"Harper?" I saw Dylan's face pop up from the knives section.

"Stop them!" I yelled over at Dylan. He turned, seeing Harper being dragged away by the other two men.

"Sam! Margo!" Dylan screamed, running over to the men.

"Get away from her!" Avery yelled, pulling her gun out. I shoved the men in front of me, but they pushed me to the ground. I landed on my wrist and heard a snap, making me yelp. Dylan kept going towards Harper, but he stepped behind the men in front of me so I couldn't see him anymore. I heard a gunshot, and then someone hit the ground. I somehow got up, not using my broken wrist to see Dylan on the ground, a gunshot hole in the middle of his forehead.

"Harper!" Sam yelled, but Avery pulled the trigger on him too. He hit the ground, only a metre away from Dylan. The men carrying Harper stopped, pulling out their gun and aiming it at Margo, who was charging out them. She threw a knife, hitting one of the men in the chest. He fell backwards. The other man shot Margo in the arm, then in the head.

"Alright!" Avery screamed, walking over to Harper. She grabbed her hair, pulling it back so she could look her in the eye. "This girl has lied to us! To you all! She doesn't deserve my care!"

"Let her go!" I screamed. Harper's warning came into my brain; Avery doesn't let people go, she just kills them. "Please just let her go!"

"Shut up!" One of the men in front of me pushed me back down to the ground. I moved to the side so I could see Avery. She pulled out a knife, examining it. I looked down at Harper, who was dead silent. She didn't cry, she just stared at the ground. I don't know whether it was in pride or whether she didn't want to see all her siblings dead around her; even though they weren't dead. Were they? Surely they should be showing life by now? Is the chip still working?

"No one is leaving Columbus tonight." Avery shook her head. She went behind Avery, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her down until she was kneeling.

"No! Please no!" I screamed. Avery lowered her knife, cutting the back of Harper's neck. Her hands fumbled, and then she pulled out the chip, holding it in the air. Harper's face went instantly white. "No." I whispered as she fell to the ground, dead. "NO!" I screamed trying to get up but the guard kicked me in the chest so I slid backwards. I covered my face, beginning to cry. I screamed into my palm, the other hand punching the wall next to me.

"No one crosses Columbus." Avery said.

"WE TRUSTED YOU!" I screamed. "Oh no, oh no, oh no." I sobbed. I stood, wiping the tears away, even though they kept coming.

"We trusted you, Mr Black." Avery said turning and beginning to walk away. I bent down picking up the gun off the ground.

"Fuck you." I spat, lifting and pulling the trigger before the men could stop me. It hit Avery in the back of my head, making her collapse to the ground. I killed her.

"Luis?" someone grabbed my arm. I turned, but no one was there. "Luis!"


Hey guys,

I know this is a short chapter, but I just thought - yeah - you guys get it. I can't go over detail because I don't want to give away too much of the next chapter.

Sorry if this chapter upsets a lot of you. It upsets me too. A lot. But it needed to be done. Someone needed to die and I needed to keep the book going. Sorry. 

Love you a lot, 

Avery x

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