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Cass's POV

I wake up to see Hayes was gone but Ash was still buried in her little pillow beside me.

I gently get out of bed and walk downstairs.

I stop when I hear Hayes on the phone saying "yeah that be great, I'll see you tonight, love you"

I was furious.

I walk over to Hayes and yell "what the hell Hayes"

He gives me a confused look.

I say "who are you gonna see tonight ?"

He chuckles and I say "you think this is funny ?"

He nods while still chuckling then says "actually it is because that was Nash"

I punch him and say "your an asshole"

He says "all the boys want to get together tonight, and your invited"

I roll my eyes and say "why wouldn't I be invited" I flip my hair playfully.

He says "it's gonna be so weird to see everyone after 2 years of not seeing them"

I nod and say "we all just got so caught up with work and life that we forgot about friends".

Hayes kisses my forehead and says "why don't you wake up Ash and get her ready so we can go to ihop for breakfast"

I nod and walk up to me and Hayes room.

I tickle Ash gently to wake her up and I say "princess it's time to get up"

She rubs her little eyes and whines a little not wanting to get up

"So I'm guessing you don't want to go to ihop" I say

With that I see Ash stretch then open her eyes and she gets up

I lead her to her room and put her in tights and a sweater and a sparkly tutu (cause Ash still likes tutus) and her boots since its starting to get cold here


"Yes Ash" I say

"Can I bring Minnie with"

"Sure baby just make sure you don't lose it"

She nods her head I take her hand and lead her downstairs I turn on the tv for her to watch spongebob she sits on the couch and starts to laugh and smile I go back upstairs to get dressed and Hayes was in the bathroom

"Babe where's Ash"

"She's downstairs watching tv" I tell Hayes

I get dressed into leggings and a floral top and I put my black converse on and I put my hair into a bun I go back downstairs to get Ash

"Ash you need to brush your hair and teeth"

She looks at me then back at the tv

"Ok I guess no ihop" I say

She just stares at the tv

"Ashlynn Grace listen to me right now you need to brush your hair and your teeth " I say while walking up to her

She doesn't say anything she just looks at me in a mad way

"Ashlynn Grace do you want daddy to come here and talk to you"

"No" she says in a low voice

"Then listen to me or you get timeout" I say

She throws the Minnie that she had at me

"Nope that's it Ashlynn timeout" I say while grabbing her hand and she starts to cry while I put her in the timeout corner

"You are here for 3 minutes if you get up from this spot I'm starting the time over" I say while leaving all she does is cry and yell for mommy and daddy I walk back upstairs to Hayes

"What's all the commotion down there" he ask

"Ash wouldn't listen because I told her she needed to brush her hair and teeth but she refused and continued watching tv and then she threw her Minnie toy at me and that's when I put her in timeout" I say

"Wow didn't know she was this bad"

"It's her 3 year old stage but kids are stressful how are we gonna manage her and this other little one" I say

"We'll figure it out"

Me and Hayes talk until the timer on my phone goes off

"Time to get Ash out of timeout" I say while going downstairs

"Ash" I say while walking over to the corner she was at

"Yes mommy" she says while sniffling and looking up

"Your timeout time is over but can you tell me what you did wrong"

"I didn't listen to you" she says

"Right and are you going to listen to me now"

She nods her head yes

"Now what do you say to me"

"I'm sorry mommy and I love you" she says while hugging me and I give her a kiss

"Now go brush your hair and your teeth"

She nods her head and runs upstairs and follow her as well

I go into my room while Ash goes into her room to brush her hair

"You got her to brush her hair and teeth" Hayes says

"Yep I'm the best mom ever" I say

"Umm of course you are" Hayes says while kissing me

I go into Ash's room to see her brushing her hair and then going to brush her teeth

Once everyone is ready I get Ash's Minnie and her the iPad I strap Ash into her car seat

"What movie do you wanna watch" I ask

"A princess movie" she says getting excited

I put on Sleeping Beauty for her and she started giggle and smiling I give her a kiss in the forehead and get in the passenger seat

🚘skip car ride🚘

Hayes pulls into the the restaurant and I get out to get Ash.

She was fast asleep.

I pick her and her Minnie and walk with Hayes trying not to wake her.

We walk into the restaurant and see all the boys at a big table.

We walk over and me and Hayes sit in two of the seats and there was a extra for ash but I continued to hold her since she was asleep.

Cameron glares at me and I see him staring down at Ash and the toy he had got her.

I look away and make eye co fact with Nash.

"Hey Cass how have you guys been." Nash says excitedly.

I nod slightly and say "great actually".

Hayes says "we have some big news".

Everyone turns toward me and Hayes and Hayes says "Cass is pregnant"

Everyone congratulates us and then our food arrives.

I look around the table, it was really calm and quiet without Taylor.

I frown slightly at the thought.

I really miss him.

I kinda start to cry so i say "I'm gonna go to the restroom" Hayes takes ash and I walk off.

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