Chapter 5 - Make Like Tom and Cruise

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Chapter 5 - Make Like Tom and Cruise

What the hell did he mean - he lived here? That was not possible. How was that possible? How did he even know her granddad? While several questions flashed through Harmony's mind, Cash bent over, grabbed her suitcase and with no effort at all, tossed it into the back of the jeep.

It took a few seconds to register what he had done, but once it did, she tossed her knapsack to the ground and ungracefully pulled herself into the back of the jeep.

Cash crossed his arms, cocked his head to the side and watched with amusement. "Hey 'Charmless,' he teased, "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

She struggled but finally managed to lift the hefty suitcase high enough to shove it over the backend of the jeep. It hit the ground with a thud and toppled on its side. "I am not going anywhere with you Holloway," she insisted in a muffled voice as she slid on her tummy over the side of the jeep. When her toes safely reached the ground she turned, took a couple steps towards Cash and repeated, "I am not going anywhere with you, until you tell me what the hell is going on."

"Ah... Harmony?" a soft voice called from behind. Jamie had been silently watching the entire exchange. "Ah... you know what? On second thought, you can have dibs," she said sucking in her bottom lip. She looked from Harmony to Cash and back again. "As a matter of fact, this...," she wagged her finger back and forth between them, "...this is about as pleasant as an itchy butt hole. Soooo...," she drew in a big breath and took a step backwards. "I think I'm going to make like Tom and Cruise. I'll leave you two lovebirds to it."

In her anger Harmony had completely forgotten about Jamie. She felt terrible. "I'm so sorry Jamie." How could she possibly explain everything to her new friend? She couldn't. At least not without more time. Harmony felt bad but agreed to meet up with Jamie at the small stage at a designated time later in the day.

"Wow! Miss friendly," Cash playfully shoved her shoulder. "You could have at least let me give your friend a ride to Tent Town." Cash went out of his way to watch the sway of Jamie's hips as she walked away.

Jamie gave a quick nod and wave before boarding the tractor shuttle which would take her to the camping area. It bothered Harmony that Jamie thought they were having a lover's quarrel. She would have to explain to her later why that couldn't be further from the truth.

Harmony was still trying to figure out how Cash could possibly know her granddad and how the heck he had come to live with him when Cash once more reached for her suitcase. This time she swatted him hard across the side of his head.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" he demanded as he rubbed his head.

"Don't touch my suitcase again, until you answer my questions," she shouted.

"Fine," he shouted right back at her. "What the fuck do you want to know?"

Cash was easy to anger, but this time he was no match for Harmony. She was steaming mad, madder than she had been in a long time. How was it possible he was living here with her granddad when she had been shipped off to live with an aunt she barely knew?

"You have about one second to explain before I truly lose it on your head," she threatened.

He sighed and asked, "What do you want to know?"

"How about you start with how you came to be living with my granddad?"

"I've always lived with your grandfather." Seeing the questioning look on her face, he held up his hand and corrected himself. "Okay, not always, but a long time. I've lived with him since I was fourteen."

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