Prologue - Dessert Rain

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Prologue - Dessert Rain

"I have to say, this crowd is two shades shy of sheer wonderful!" The trendy announcer praised the sold-out stadium. He was young yet still considered one of the best in the business. He had a low, sexy voice that echoed into the rafters like audible chocolate.

"...and, if you want to fly right on past FREAKING PHENOMENAL... then make some noise for Dessert Rain." The cheering in the stadium reached a new high as the fevered fans started to stomp their feet and bang their chair-backs.

Harmony closed her eyes and listened to the roar of the crowd, breathing in their energy. This was one of her favourite parts of the evening; waiting to be called back out for an encore. Considering the audience had been fantastic right from the opening chord, they were definitely doing an encore.

She nodded at her mom to say she was ready. Her mother returned a quick wink and smile as she dabbed her face with a small white towel. It amazed Harmony how her mom could be so energetic on stage and yet hardly break a sweat. If it had been Harmony out front, she would have needed an entirely new makeup application by now. Her mother checked with the rest of the band members and then signalled the announcer they were good to go.

From centre stage the emcee barely nodded his head in their direction. He held both hands out to the frantic audience; one hand gripped his microphone, the other encouraged the crowd to make even more noise. He was a magician, because somehow, they managed.

Finally, he raised his microphone and with a huge grin announced to the fans what they had been waiting all night to hear: "Would you please... welcome back to the stage... singing their newest single... which is currently climbing the country music charts... how would you like to hear 'COWBOY CRUSH?' He barely got the words out before the crowd erupted. He had to wait for the noise to die down to continue ... Show your love for the beautiful mother-daughter singing duo... MELODY and HARMONY LARKIN." The announcer spun on his heel, extended his arms full out, directing everyone's attention to the left side of the stage. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN LETS GIVE IT UP FOR... 'DESSERT RAIN!'

Their band 'Dessert Rain' has five members. Danny Jefferson, who was the band's lead guitarist was first to make his way back on stage. When he stepped into the spotlight the crowd showed their appreciation. Harmony could not hide her smile as she watched Danny perform a quick little jig. He was not a dancer, but he made it work as he waved to the fans. Danny was the most naturally funny guy Harmony knew. With his scruffy, longhaired Keith Urban look, he easily garnered attention from the females in the audience. It never mattered though, because the only thing he loved more than his music, was Harmony's mother, Melody.

Danny and her mother had grown up together and though he was not Harmony's father by blood, he was the closest thing she had to one. No doubt though, Danny and her mother had a strange relationship. To others they gave off more of a 'friends-with-benefits' vibe, but Harmony knew better. She knew deep down her mother loved Danny with all her heart. She just had trouble showing it. The broken heart she suffered from Harmony's real father had cut deeply. She had been so hurt, she closed herself off, but Danny was patiently chipping away at that protective wall she had erected, and he was doing it one day at a time.

Jerome 'Bear' Garcia was next to hit the stage. He was their base guitarist. He was thirty-five years-old, the same age as Danny and her mom. He was a giant teddy bear of a man with a heart of gold and about the only thing he loved more than his music, was food. He could eat anything and everything. He loved to cook, and he loved to eat, yet incredibly enough, he was not that overweight. He liked to say he was just big boned.

Bear was a big burly guy with lots of hair. His hair was chocolate brown and hung down to his shoulders. It continued across his face in the manner of a short beard, and matching moustache. He looked a little like Zac Brown and he too, had been in Harmony's life for as long as she could remember. If anyone asked, she would describe Jerome as her favourite uncle.

Last on stage was the newest member of their band, Cash Holloway. He was their new drummer and truth be told he made Harmony very nervous. He was closer to her age than to the others in the band. If she had to guess, she thought he was only a couple of years older than her, maybe nineteen or twenty? She didn't know for sure because she never worked up the nerve to come right out and ask him.

Cash was an excellent drummer. The problem was, he knew it. He had an ego the size of Texas. Of course, the fact he was drop dead gorgeous didn't help matters. The girls couldn't get enough of his brooding, dark looks and his bad boy ways and he couldn't get enough of the girls. He was too cocky for sure, and it bothered Harmony more than she liked to admit.

The worst thing was that Cash liked to push her buttons, like when he brushed up against her just moments earlier, while making his way back to the stage. "Knock 'em dead squirt," he said as he gave her his deadly smirk/wink combo. He loved to flirt with her. He played games with her all the time and yet after each of their shows he would disappear with some new bimbo glued to his arm. He was a player, no doubt about it and Harmony knew she had to stay far, far away. She must not get sucked in by his charming ways. He was trouble with a capital 'T.'

Her mother tugged on her arm. It was time. Harmony's heart began to race. She followed her mother up the dark set of stairs that led to the side of the stage. Just when Harmony thought it was impossible for the crowd to get any louder, they cranked it up another notch as she and her mother stepped out into the blinding glare of the spotlights. They each bowed and waved, smiling brightly to their fans.

Harmony, happy to turn the limelight over to her mother, waved one last time and then moved towards her keyboards. Her mother on the other hand took her time, enjoying every second of the audience's adoration. She danced her way to the edge of the stage, then bent down to shake some hands before sashaying her way back to centre stage. She stood in front of a beautiful, bejewelled microphone stand, which held a matching rhinestone covered cordless microphone.

Her mother, like the emcee had a talent for wooing the crowd. She leaned into the microphone and in a soft lilting voice she quieted the audience to the point you could almost hear a pin drop; quite a feat when you considered the magnitude of noise the crowd had been making just seconds earlier.

"Thank you, Atlanta," her mother began, smiling her money smile, "for welcoming us so warmly into your beautiful city and your warm hearts. I can honestly say you have been our best audience ever and we simply love it here." She waited for the cheers to die down and the next time she spoke Harmony lowered her fingers to the keyboard and added a simple, yet beautiful melodic accompaniment.

"Because you have been so awesome," her mother pointed to the audience, sweeping her hand around to encompass the entire stadium, "we are going to play a brand-new song tonight, just for you. It will be the next single we release and we're going to let you hear it first before anyone else. It is called 'Bangles and Boots' and we know you are going to love it!"

The crowd roared as Cash held his hands high in the air banging his drumsticks to count the band in. Harmony played the unique keyboard intro as her mom leaned into her microphone and began to sing the upbeat lyrics to their new song. 'Bangles and Boots' was the most up-tempo country song they had ever performed. When it was time, Harmony sang along with her mom, adding in a beautiful harmony.

As she watched her mom singing and dancing and no doubt putting on a great show, Harmony couldn't help think how she would do things differently if given the chance. For example, if she had her way, she would not be wearing the matching outfit to her mother's, not the ridiculously short skirt, nor for that matter the insanely tight sequinned top that she was forever checking to make sure was done up properly. Most definitely the cowboy boots would also be a no go.

Truth be told, if Harmony had her way, she wouldn't be singing country music at all. If she had her way she would be singing electro-pop, which would allow her to experiment more with her keyboards. It was not her choice though, and now that things were finally going great for their band, she doubted anything would change anytime soon.

She shook away the negative thoughts. She knew she should be grateful their band was finally doing well. Her mother had drilled it into her head repeatedly, how so many good bands never make it in the music business. She knew too, that the fact one of their songs had made it to the country music charts, was an incredible feat and one she was truthfully very excited about.

Just, if one day she ever got to do things the way she wanted, she would definitely do things differently. In the meantime, this was her mom's band, so for the time being, she would have to find a way to enjoy doing things the way her mother wanted.

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