Prologue - Highest High to the Lowest Low

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Prologue - Highest High to the Lowest Low

They were winding down their new song, 'Bangles and Boots' and the fans were loving it. Cash smoothly transitioned them into 'Cowboy Crush,' without taking a break. For the entire first verse, the crowd was so loud the band members had trouble hearing their own voices. No doubt this show was one of their best. It was also by far the biggest venue they had ever played.

The lights dimmed to a total black out after their band joined center stage for a quick bow and final wave to the crowd. Harmony followed her mother off stage while someone with a flashlight led them to the band's green room. They made a point of meeting before and after each show so they could prepare beforehand and debrief afterwards.

Once each band member was in the room, the door closed, allowing them some welcome privacy. The band members all had huge smiles on their faces as they stepped together for a group hug. They knew the night had been a huge success. Danny pumped his fist in the air as he shared his thoughts, "That was flipping awesome!" Danny often tried to tone down his language when he was around Harmony.

Cash on the other hand never held back, "Are you kidding man? That was fucking fantastic!"

"That's what I just said Jughead," Danny quipped, as he playfully smacked Cash on the back of his head.

"No man," Cash laughed as covered his head. He pointed his finger at Danny, "You are such a pansy ass. You use girly words like that all the time dude. It's not right." He jumped back out of arm's reach as he gave Danny another disgusted look. "'Flipping?' What does that even mean?" As usual Cash was yanking Danny's chain. He gave Danny a playful punch on his arm as he dished out one final insult, "Just fucking say what you fucking mean man, don't use those fucking fruity sound-alike words."

"Hey, watch your mouth," Danny responded, as he chased Cash around the small room. Catching him easily, he threw him into a headlock. "You are in the presence of ladies jackass. How many times do I have to remind you to not use that potty mouth of yours around the girls?"

Cash struggled but could not break loose. "Okay man, okay..." he laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He tapped Danny's arm to indicate he was done fighting.

After a few seconds Danny released him. This was normal. The guys were always horsing around and play fighting. It was all that excess adrenaline working its way out of their systems after the high of performing live.

"Okay gang, let's get this meet and greet over with quickly," her mom suggested as she wrapped a cold towel around her neck. She used one end of the towel to wipe the sweat from her forehead. "Let's get it done, so we can finally head home."

Harmony cocked her head to one side as she watched her mom. She could see her mother was sweating more than normal. Even under the hottest stage lights, her mother somehow managed to always look as cool as a cucumber. She looked pale too. Normally she would be glowing after a show like the one they had just finished.

"Hey mom, are you feeling all right?" she asked, a knot of worry forming in her gut.

"Yeah, I'm fine," her mother assured her, giving her a quick smile. "I'm just tired and looking forward to getting home." This was the last stop on the final leg of their road trip. The tour had been especially long and gruelling. They were trying to build a bigger fan base in the process of launching their new singles from their first major album. Because of this, they had signed on to do more shows than normal.

"I'm good babe," she promised as she wrapped an arm around Harmony's shoulder giving her a quick squeeze. "Let's just get this done so we can head home."

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