Instruction and Obstruction

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Courtney's POV

Marctings regional high school is a high school made in 1976 for children that live too far away from other high schools. In 1973, when it was reported that the nearest student to any high school in Lorren county was 26 miles away, the Lorren county school board had to make a regional school for that county, and the 5 surrounding counties. And so, Marctings high school was built through 1974 to 1976 until it finally opened in 1977.

While it's still in the middle of nowhere, the school board specifically chose an area with little trees, and a nearby hill to give students as much sun as possible even during winter.

The students, ecstatic about a closer high school, tried their absolute best to respect the teachers, and other students in fear of being kicked out. Detention rates were down to 7 per school year, violence was nonexistent, and 94% of students kept their average grade above a C. Along with excellent teachers and staff, the school also had a superior size, making it one of the best schools of its time.

As the years went by however, the school got considerably worse. Generations of families passed through, and the children of previous students took the school for granted. Students started disrespecting teachers, violence became more noticeable, and the grade percentage flopped.

As of 2011, the school completely lost its funding with grocery stores, and other companies due to the drop in graduation rates. One third of the funds went to the sports departments as a last resort for getting money from competitions. Another chunk of the budget went to creating fundraisers. To no avail, all the fundraisers failed miserably. To make matters worse, the principal quit his job, and retired at 47 due to stress from the high school.

Recently, Raine's aunt-who was actually a principal at another school-has taken up position as our schools principal. She hopes to restore the school to it's original state. She's expelling students that get into fights frequently, she pays out of pocket for tutoring, and she's creating successful fundraisers to get money for the school.

Lately, she's been receiving some resistance. The "badasses" of the class continue to cause trouble in school, and more and more students report incidents of bullying, harassment, or worse.

My 3rd block class is a prime example of this.

"Now, can anyone explain to me why wavelength is so important in today's medical field?" Good luck with these students Mrs. Berrinaut.

A sound quieter than silence lingered in the air. This is the third time she's taught this lesson. Even with the last two times she explained wavelength, 6 out of 23 students scored a C or higher. These students-as you can imagine-are not very popular with the rest of the class.

Of course once again, I was the only student to raise my hand.

"Perhaps someone besides Courtney?" She asked.

"I have a better question" one of the students began, "what time do we get out of this crap class?"

As if he pressed a button, the majority of the class exploded in obstreperous laughter. Seriously? It wasn't even that funny of a joke, so why is everyone laughing? The next class over can probably hear them...

Mrs. Berrinaut, with hope leaving her face, turned her attention back to me. "Yes Courtney?"

"It helps with the study of frequencies and decibels. This way, we can help deaf people, or the hard of hearing."

"Correct again Courtney." She smiled weakly. "Thank you...again."

After a quick look over of the class, she continued with the lecture despite the students still not bothering to pay attention.

Where's Raine? It's already been 13 minutes since this class started. I hope nothing happened to her...maybe I should text her. Being one of the more dedicated students in Physics class, we have special permission to use our phones almost whenever we want.

{"Alice Gates please report to the main office. Alice Gates please report to the main office. Thank you."}

My eye twitched. So that's where she is. I slid my phone back into my pocket. Raine, please get here soon.

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