20. Rich Rags

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He walked over the slid the door open revealing the eleven year old adorable brunette girl that hated my guts.

“Chase!” She said happily hugging him.

“Hey short stack, how was school?  Why are you home so early?”

“It was great! And it was a minimum day.” She smiled, then immediately her smile turned down and her eyes snapped over to me. “What is she doing here?”

“Trinity, be nice.  Abs and I left school early because there was a lot of crap going on.”

“And you’ve been here?  Alone? For how long? What did you do?  Are you making my brother do bad things?!” She screamed at me.

I quickly put my hands up in defense, “We’ve only been here for a half an hour!  I have done nothing wrong!”

“You’re lying!”

“Trinity!  Calm down!” Chase yelled. 

She shrunk down a little, “I’m sorry brother.”

He sighed, “I thought that you were okay with Abby being my girlfriend now?”

“I am…I just didn’t expect her to ever be here.”

“Trinity, I really don’t appreciate you being so rude to her.  She’s going to be around much more often now.”

“You’re right Chase, I know she is, and I’m really sorry.”

He smiled, “That’s alright. I’m going to the bathroom.  Play nice.” He said turning and walking out, but giving me a quick wink before exiting.

I smiled and then looked over at Trinity and cringed.  She was glaring…no glaring was too soft for the look she was giving me, it was more like she was trying to knife my soul with her eyes whilst possibly wanting me to spontaneously combust.

“I don’t like you.” She said suddenly.

“I know.” I replied rolling my eyes.  “You haven’t liked me since you met me and at least now I know why it is you hate me.  You would hate any girl that dates your brother though.”

“No, I met others, and I rather like them.”

“What?!” I screeched.  “Why just me?!”

“I have my reasons.”

“Which are?”

“None of your business.” She replied crossing her arms defiantly.

I rolled my eyes, “You really need to get over this.  Chase and I have been dating for two months and it’s not ending any time soon.  I want to be friends and get to know you, but you won’t let me!  I feel like I’m a likeable person, but you’re making me question that!”

Rich RagsWhere stories live. Discover now