3. Rich Rags

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Chase stood there with his mouth agape.  My smile looked like a grimace now because I just stared at him.  I quickly looked away and began following my parents down the stairs to all the guests.

I had no idea what he was even doing there!  Then I caught sight of one of the waiters and sure enough, he was wearing the exact same uniform as Chase.

I never knew he worked for a catering company though!  I was sure he would have told us something like that.

People began coming up and telling me how nice I looked and complimenting me and telling me about how wonderful their sons and grandsons were, but I was hardly paying any attention.  I kept looking around to find Chase.

Suddenly when I was stuck talking to a particularly annoying man boast about his wonderful son and silver tray with food dropped into my vision.

“Appetizer Miss?” His deep voice echoed through my ears.  A voice I could recognize a mile away.

I looked up into the green eyes that were Chase’s.  “Oh…thank you.” I replied taking a Swedish meatball off the tray with a toothpick.

“Of course.  Is there anything else I can get you?” He asked with an obviously fake smile.  His eyes were clearly burning with questions.

I turned to the man that was chatting me up and kindly excused myself.

I returned my gaze to Chase and replied, “I’d like to see what you have.  Do you mind escorting me to the kitchen?” I smiled brightly back at him, but he knows my fake smile just as much as I know his.

A smirk slowly began to show itself, “This is your house I’d figure you’d know.”

“Of course I do, but I would like some help getting through the crowd if you don’t mind.  I mean you are working for my family aren’t you?”

His eye twitched slightly, “Right this way Miss.”

We weaved our way through the crowd and I slowly walked behind him.

Right before we reached the kitchen I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and began dragging him down a different hallway that led to my room.  We needed to talk.

“Hey!” He exclaimed. 

“Just shut up and come with me.” I growled.  Proper Abril Hanson was gone.  Now Abby Smith was back.

“So it is you.” He smirked.

“Of course it is?! Are you blind?”

We got to my door and I threw it open and quickly shut it behind us.

Rich RagsWhere stories live. Discover now