22. Rich Rags

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**This chapter has a discussion with suggestive content.  Just a warning for certain readers. :)**


We all headed down to the living room where everyone was chatting pleasantly.

“Oh Jean and Richard, meet Chase’s lovely girlfriend Abril.” Melissa said grabbing me and showing me off to them.

They were a charming elderly couple.  They were Chase’s dad’s parents.  You could see features of both of them in Ryan, but now it was a little harder to tell due to the aging.

“Well you are just cute as a button!” His grandma said.  “What did you say your name was sweetheart?”

“Abril.” I smiled and shook her hand.

“Well it’s so nice to meet you Abril.  I’m Jean, and this is Richard.”

“It’s so great to meet you both too.”

“My my, you’re so thin!  It looks nice on you darling.  You look like one of those models.” Jeans said with a sweet smile.

“Oh thank you.” I replied blushing a little.

“Yep, I’m dating a model.” Chase said with a smirk, and throwing his arm around my shoulders. “She’s been in a magazine too.  Do you wanna see it?”

“Oh of course!” She exclaimed.

“Chase!” I laughed.  I was a little embarrassed at the unwarranted attention, but I was trying to be nice. 

He walked over to the coffee table and grabbed the magazine and flipped it open to our page.

“Here, take a look.”

His cousins and grandparents looked through the page we were on in awe. 

“Wow!  This is amazing!  You two look incredible!” Jean exclaimed.

“Thank you.” I replied.

“Seriously, this is just wow!” Chelsea commented. “I’ve already seen it, but it still is just addicting to look at!  Chase you look so dashing!”

“Yeah, but I’m not the focus of the pictures.”

I gave him a ‘shut up’ look and he just smirked and shrugged.

After they finished with the magazine they interrogated me a little about my parents and Chase and I together, but it was charming.

They were pleasant, just very talkative and didn’t beat around the bush much…

Rich RagsWhere stories live. Discover now