chapter 1

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I looked out the window at the city below. Cars passed, and it was the perfect time to do it.

I stepped out the window, onto the balcony. I grabbed the frozen rail and stood on it. I grabbed the railing above me and closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath and fell.


My name's Angel. I'm 18 and I have a special power. I can fly. I didn't know it, until I tried killing myself when I was 13.

Now I fly at night, when no one knows. I love it. I love the wind blowing in my hair and the feeling of freedom.

I looked out the window and smiled at the city lights.

My wings grew and I pulled open the window. I stepped out and got on the railing.

I jumped, spreading out my arms. I dove down and my wings brought me back up a bit.

I flapped them, making me go ahead. I twisted by skyscrapers and cheered loudly.

"Whoo!" I screamed.

I flew past Central park. I saw a woman walking her dog and I smiled.

I flew higher and saw a plane above me. I spun around, doing tricks.

I flew into the woods near the park and sat in a tree. I put my wings in between my shoulder blades and I hopped off the tree.

I walked over to the park and noticed a couple on a bench. I smiled and walked past them.

I saw a woman jogging. She shouldn't be doing this at night. I thought.

I walked a bit further.

"Angel!" I turned and saw someone. James. He caught up to me and smiled. "Hi, Jack." I said. "Still flying out to London?" He asked. I nodded.

I was going to fly.

We talked for a bit and I walked back to the park. He didn't know my secret.

I climbed the tree and opened my wings. I took off into the air. I flew off to my apartment.

I dropped onto the balcony. I opened the window and climbed in.

I went into the bathroom and took a shower.

After showering, I changed into my tank top and PJ short.

I turned on my TV and closed my window, pulling my curtains closed. I made sure I locked my doors and I sent to my room.

I climbed into bed and got under the covers.


The day past by quick and I got to be out in the town. It was quite nice, feeling the wind and stuff.

I felt like someone was watching me. I looked up, no one. I shrugged and walked off.

I went into a café and heard the bell ding above me. A man smiled at me, as he wiped a counter.

"Hello, what can I get ya?" He asked, leaning forward. "Um..." I looked at the menu. "I'll have a chocolate frappé." I answered, him smiling in return. "That'll be... $5.40." He said, pushing buttons on a screen. I handed him a six and got my change back, along with my drink.

I left the shop and walked down the busy street.

I past a few people who talked on their phones and paparazzi. They were running past me, ahead of me. I shrugged and took a sip of my drink.

I ended up following the people. A group of boys were being mobbed. I was pushed into a store and I didn't know what to do, so I hid behind the counter. Luckily no one was behind it.

"A'right. We should be safe here." A high voice said. I looked up and saw five boys in the shop. "Whwos that?" A curly haired, deep voice, asked. He pointed at me. They all looked at me. I gulped and stood, fixing my brown hair.

"What's your name?" Another boy asked, he had black hair and brown eyes. "Angel." I answered. "Nice! I'm Louis." The boy with the high voice said, making me giggle. "Harry." The deep voice, curly haired, boy said. "Niall." A blonde haired boy said. "Zayn." The black haired boy said. "And I'm Liam." The brown haired and brown eyes boy said. "And we're One Direction." They announced.

Realization hit me and I smiled a little. "Nice." I nodded. "You know us?" Louis asked. "Only a tad bit, yeah. Seen you on covers." I answered, walking away from the counter. I noticed we were in a shoe store.

I went over to a rack and looked for my shoe size. I found it and I saw some cute TOMS.

I tried them on and they matched my stripped shirt. I took the shoe off and put it in the box.

"Girls." I heard one of the mutter. "So how long are we gonna be here?" I asked. "Soon as the fans die down, which may take hours," Louis answered. I nodded and looked for more shoes.

"So, uh, you like TOMS?" Louis asked. I turned around and he was standing there now. I nodded. "And Converse." I answered, turning back to the shelf. "I do too." He said. He was standing beside me now.

"Cool." I smiled. He smiled back. He started looking with me and we had a laugh. He was a really funny guy, I kinda liked him.

Okay, little cursh, bit he's famous. He can have any girl in the world and he wouldn't choose me.

I maybe working at fashion things and stuff, but I'm not that famous. I work at Hollister for God's sake.

"Okay, boys. You have about another hour, then you can leave." A tall guys walked in, rubbing his hands together. Must be very cold outside. I didn't notice I finished my drink, till now. I just left it in my hands and crossed my legs. "That's Paul. He's our tour manager." Louis said, pointing at the tall man. "Ello, girly. How did she get in here?" He asked. "I don't know, we found her hiding behind the counter." Liam answered. "She a fan?" He got worried. "No, she barely knows us." Niall answered.

"Okay... Boys hungry?" He asked. They all looked at Niall. Must like food.

He blushed and nodded, looking down. "Foods his life. If he could, he'd marry it." Louis whispered in my ear. I stiffled a laugh, by biting my lip.

"Okay, I'll run out and get some." Paul said. My jaw dropped. "You're going out there?! In that?!" I pointed to the hundreds of fans outside. He looked at them and nodded. My eyes widened. Louis placed his hand on mine, chuckling. I swear I felt a spark. "Love, this is his job." He said. Love? Oh, yeah, British.

"Yeah, but... Our there?" I asked again. He smiled. "Don't sorry, he'll be okay." He said. "Promise?" I held out my pinkie. He giggled and nodded. He booked his with mine. "I promise." He said.

So there's chapter 1, guys! I hope you like it! I know, Elounor isn't around anymore, but I love their relationship. And I thought she could be in this fan fiction. This is my first Louis Tommo story, so.... Lln.

Paul and Zayn are still around! Yes! And the pic of them in there, they have a secret that you will find out soon. Kk?

Bye, readers...

You know, I'm giving you guys a nickname... How about...

Directioner's? Yes! That's it! Boom! Love ya! Bye!

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