Clouds [Chapter 1&2]

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"Oh my god! are you okay?"

I mentally curse myself. Rubbing my temples, I slowly look up. I see a pair of eyes...

A pair of gleaming, beautiful and familiar eyes.That's when I unconsciously stood straight and rigid.

" Hey.she smiles.

" Hey...there's no reason to hold back anymore.

So I smiled at her.

      A/N: So basically this story is inspired and dedicated to my bestfriend. I never got to finish it.


Chapter One.

It's hard to make decisions. That's certain, at least. You're given choices, and choosing is difficult. What if you choose the wrong one? I mean you can't tell, not unless you choose it.

Well, I chose the wrong one, but I don’t regret it, because nothings perfect. Who knew in the end everything would work out great, that I’d end up with something good. I guess in the end we both knew that we’d cross paths again.




I look up to see the sky, blue and clear. No clouds could be seen, and it was sunny...a bright sunny day. The place is crowded, people grabbing their bags, some getting frantic trying to get to their flights early. And me, in the middle of it all, just standing there and observing.

“Ellie dear, don’t just stand there! Help me with the bags, here hold this, I need to get a taxi!” she holds out a bag to me and I grab it. Man, this is heavy!

“Mom!” I whine. What the hell did she put in here? It’s not like she’s the one who took a flight to come all this way from Greece, I thought while getting a feel of the heavy bag.

“Come on!” she said, finally getting a taxi and opening the passengers door for me.

“Okay, okay!” I yelled, picking up my baggage as well. As soon as we both sat on our seats, I slouch trying to get all comfy while my mom tells the taxi driver our destination.

I stared at the window, not much has changed here in Connecticut since I last came here the summer of my sophomore year. I grew up here in Connecticut, took primary school and then moved to Greece to take my education there, head straight to high school. At first I didn’t want to study in Greece, leaving my friends was a real pain in the ass but my mom was insistent.

I started to adjust in the environment there, and made new friends, weird, funny and caring friends but even through all those things, I still get home sick. You can't blame me for feeling that way, holding memories in a place where you've spent most of your childhood times makes it hard to forget missing home. At all.

So here I am now, back to the place I grew up in...back to the place where I spent most of my childhood memories.

“How was the flight hun?” Mom cut me out of my reverie.

I gave her a look that’s about close to pulling my hair off and wanting to poke her in the eye.

My mom can be oblivious sometimes...a tad clueless. That’s funny cause like she’s a nurse, what happens if a doctor tells her to get these things and she somehow takes the wrong one or when she’s taking care of a patient and she seems to not notice the patients hurting a lot!

She might end up taking the patient’s life unintentionally!

Well, even through all that. I still love my mom, she’s like the best!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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