If Only I knew [Prologue]

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A/N: Okay first of all I would like to say that these stories are in need of a lot of editing, I'm not even sure if I'll continue these but anyway I'd just like to share these works to you guys since they were all stacked in my draft box and I thought why not just share em' all and most likely come back to them when I get my mojo back haha.

This is fiction so technically 

everything was made up. I've never gotten the time to finish these stories due to personal reasons and I started getting writers block :/

English isn't my mother  tongue but hopefully I did justice.That  being said, here's the prologue of



| P R O L O G U E |

       They say everything had to happen for a reason but in that moment nothing made sense to me. I had the shame and guilt that's clenching in my chest. I never hoped, I never dreamt of it to happen. Losing someone you care and love and cherish and yet you somehow hated so much until that very moment.

"Miss Morrely was found dead at the riverbanks near St. Peters this morning." Mrs. Ortega, my Spanish teacher said as she stood up stiffly while clutching her hands tightly together.

       Everyone in class was speechless. Everyone had the expression plastered on their faces that screams pity and sadness, and everyone's head turned around to the very back of the class where I sat. Looking at me closely, watching my reaction, to see if I was in more shock as they are and that somehow because I was her best friend I would know every tiny detail that would happen in her life.

      Like for all the right reasons, because I was the best friend I should've done something to stop her. If only I knew. I couldn't blame them for thinking of this. Chloe was the goody-two-shoes all perfect know it all. And she really was. She was too friendly with everyone, that's probably why everyone thinks they're best friends with her. That's just who she is.

      Instead of acting on my own instincts and tell them to mind their own fucking business, I just stared at the window of the classroom. Feigning as if nothing ever bothered me, that their stares didn't matter, because in that moment what mattered to me most was Chloe.

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