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Turns out my comeback to Shawn wasn't that cool, when I finish telling Matt what recently happened in the hall earlier, he laughs in my face.

"You are so lame Stella!" He laughs. I frown. "Seriously, how many times have you used the word fucktard?"

"Shut up! I know other words." I tell him. 

"Sure you do Stell." He pats my shoulder sympathetically and heads off to his next class.

During study hall, I decided to expand my vocabulary by strengthening my insult game because apparently, it's weak.  I head to the back of the library and find my seat in the corner. I pull out my mac book and search 'Synonyms for fucktard'

I scroll threw the different words. Asshat, arsehole (UK), asshole (US), bastard, dumb fuck, jerk, tosser, wanker...

"Whatcha doin?" I quickly slam my laptop shut and turn towards the voice. I sigh and begin to glare at the no good disturbance.

"What do you want?" I hiss.  He takes a seat next to me.

"Look, I want to apologize." I raise my eyebrow urging him to go on.  He looks at me confused. "What?" He asks.


"For everything I guess." He shrugs.


"Do you forgive me?"

"Does is matter?"



"Why not?"

"Because." I say crossing my arms.

"Because what?"

"Because you're a- a wanker! You sir, are a wanker."

"I don't even know what that means." I roll my eyes and pack up my things.

"Thanks for ruining my study hall tosser."

"What?"  He asks confused. I groan and walk out of the library.

My stomach began to growl. Dammit, there is still a whole other period before lunch. 

I start strolling through the hallways just thinking. As hard as I try, my thoughts won't leave Shawn. It's only to think about how big of a jerk he is I reassure myself.

I can't believe I thought he's nice and sweet and hot. Well he still is hot. Very hot. Wait no he's not. He's way too pale and his fingers are too long. His voice sounds like 12 year old boy growing through puberty and his boots are ugly. No god dammit he's still hot.

I don't even know why I care. I just met him like a day ago and we have nothing in common.

Apparently thinking about Mendes makes time fly and the bell rings.

Sending me to fourth period, Science. I hate science. I see no point in the stupid subject with the stupid teacher and the stupid kids and the stupid chemicals.

I take my seat in the back and rest my arms on the cold black table. As people make their way in the classroom, the person I least expect to sit next to me does. Edith Brinley. She sits down and stares at me. I try not to say anything and stare her down as well but I couldn't under her gaze.  "Dammit." I  mutter in response to my disappointment of losing. I raise my eyebrows and she frowns.

"Stacey right?" She asks me in a snotty tone.

"Stella." She shrugs it off then asks.

"You were the one dancing with my boyfriend." She states. I tilt my head then give her a look of confusion. Oh yeah. Shawn and Edith are dating.

I begin to wonder what Shawn sees in this girl. I have never spoken to her since now and from what I can tell she is a stuck up bitch who thinks she's better than everyone else. Don't get me wrong she's pretty and all.  Smooth skin, blonde hair, green eyes, perfect teeth and eyebrows to die for. Seriously her eyebrows are so nice. I really need to ask where she gets them done.

Edith clears her throat expectantly. I shake my head. I totally forgot she asked me something. "I'm sorry what?"

"You. Shawn. Party."

"Oh oh yeah!" I remember. "What about it." 

"Are you slow? Why were you even speaking to him? He's mine do you really think you have a chance with my boyfriend." Did this bitch really.

"Slow your fucking role. I don't care who you are or who you think you are but let's get this straight." I give her my fiercest look and say these next words in the calmest way possible. She looks taken back. "There will never be anything between Shawn and I. I really don't appreciate the way you came at me in such a beleaguering way. If I didn't know any better, I would think you Edith, are jealous and scared because your boyfriend was dancing with me instead of you. So the only way you can keep what's yours is to try and scare me." I tell her.

"What? Ha me s-scared of you?" She blabbers. "I don't need to be scared, he is mine not yours." She flips her hair haughtily. I sigh hopelessly. Did she not here anything I said?

"Okay Edith." Class starts and the teacher explains that he'll be introducing something stupid in science later on. I daze off for about 20 minutes my head resting in my hands lazily when Mr. Johnson makes his way towards his chair. When he attempts to sit down, his chair completely falls apart and the class erupts in a fit of laughter. I myself chuckle a little as well. A smirking Edith apparently hears my light chuckle because she turns to me. My smile fades when I notice the wrench on her desk and popular kids turning to high five each other including Edith.

I should have known the bitch is the reason Mr. Johnson is still on the floor trying to gather all of the pieces of his chair attempting to put it back together. I get up to help him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Edith asks.

"Helping my teacher who hasn't done anything wrong."

"Why would you do that, it's funny!"

"Ugh I would hate to meet your mom, you're probably the exact replica of her."

"She's dead."

"Exactly." Edith is speechless. Wow that was mean. I didn't know I could be so mean. Good job Stella!

Finally! My favorite part of the day. The highlight of my life. The reason I wake up in the morning. The only thing that brings me joy during school. Lunch. Yes. Lunch.

"Stella hey! Stella! Wait up!" An out of breath Matthew comes standing by my side.

"What is up Matty?" He crinkles his nose at me then says,

"Apparently you, kids are going around saying that you told Edith Brinley off." My eyes pop out of my sockets.


"Apparently you called her a bitch and that you can beat her up any day of the week. But Stella remember you can't. You have piano lessons on Wednesday!" He exclaims.

"Matthew I'm not beating anyone up!" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Uh yeah you are, I heard it from Sheldon." I shake my head in disbelief and turn to walk towards lunch while Matt tries to keep up with me.

I order a bag of pretzels and a strawberry Fants. Matthew and I head over to a table outside under my favorite tree. As Matt keeps pestering about the Edith fiasco which wasn't really a fiasco I see a tall white boy walking towards us.

"Hello Stella. I heard you called my girlfriend a bitch." Shawn waves.

Hi, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry it's a short chapter. And I know i said a few months ago that I would start updating more but hey I lied. And I know I said that's what author hrs always do and don't do it and hey I'm one of those authors. Anyway, yeah you shouldn't believe anything I say and I wanted to make this longer but I didn't wanna wait anymore. Once again sorry and I'll update when I feel like it.


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