2•dance lessons

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Stella's Pov
Shawn can't dance. We're on the dance floor. My face is red from laughing and dancing and I don't think I've ever had this much fun. Right now, Gangnam Style is blasting through the speakers and I can't contain my laughter. In my life I have never seen someone dance worst than Shawn to Gangnam Style.

"What's so funny huh?" Asks Shawn.

"N-nothing." I say in between breaths. "It's j-just you dancing is just t-the funniest thing I have ever seen." I say bursting into another fit of giggles.

"Hey! Chicks dig me cause of my dancing." That makes me laugh even harder. He tilts his head and smiles at me.

"What?" I ask. His face turns a little red.

"N-nothing, your laugh is cute." My cheeks heat up. Did Shawn Mendes complement me? I didn't even know the word cute was in his vocabulary.

"Thanks." We don't say anything and it's getting awkward. I could feel the tension between us.

"Stella!" I see Matt behind Shawn. His hair is a mess and Devynne is trailing behind him. "Babe there you are! What a beautiful day it is here in Philadelphia! Always sunny."

"Matthew Lee Espinosa are you drunk?"

"Wha? Pfft naahhhh! Or nahhhh! I'm having the best night ever."

"Maybe we should get you home."

"Stella I had sex! I fucked a bitch!" Matthew takes someone's red plastic cup out of their hand and raises it for a toast. "FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY" he yells.

"FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY" People yell back. I stand there jaw dropped. I know if we stay longer something will go wrong.

"Come on Matty I'm taking you home."

"Home? No such thing!"

"You need to sleep."

"I'm fiiiine." As he says that, Matt collapses to the floor. I groan. I look up to Devynne for help but she just scoffs and leaves. What a Bitch.

Shawn come and picks Matthew back up to his feet. I totally forgot he was here. "Thanks." I take one of Matt's arms and wrap it around my shoulder. "Well I better get going thanks for having me." As I turn to leave Shawn says

"Wait!" I turn back around. "How are you getting home?"


"I'll drive you."

"No it's okay we'll be fine."

"You're too pretty to be out in the middle of the night with an unconscious boy looking for a taxi , I'm driving you lets go." He starts to walk away and  I follow him.

"Wait but what about the party?"

"What about it?"

"Never mind." Shawn seems to notice that I'm having trouble carrying Matt so he turns around and places Matthew's other arm around his neck.

"Yo! Shawn my man! Where ya going bro?" A tall muscular man that I recognize to be one of his friends ,  I think his name is Nathan.

"Hey Skate, I'm just going to drop this girl off back at her house." I notice something in Shawn's demeanor change.

"Why? Common lets go partyyy" he slures.

"After I drop Stella and her friend off." Shawn says a little harshly.

"Huh? Is little Shawnie turning soft on us now?" Skate asked. People were starting to gather around. Oh my gosh, I'm like totally panicking right now. He should have just let me go.

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