Chapter 8: And So It Begins...

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**** Hello again guys! Sorry for acting so hyper last chapter. I just read the DN fanfic 'Note To Self' (It was amazing!) and the protagonist, Link, rubbed off her hyperness on me, resulting in... yeah. Being hyper.

So today, I'll be ranting some characters from DN who would've been awesome if they had enough screen time. And MATT is the perfect example for that. He just appeared a few couple times in the anime and manga and he's already the most popular character in the series! (Well, next to my precious L anyway)

And BB too! I read his story on the VOLUME 13 of the Death Note (not to mention researched on the LA BB Murder Case mind you..) and I personally thought he's an awesome character as well! I'm just sad that they didn't appear much... Tsk. I would've imagined Beyond killing people with a knife and a jar of strawberry jam in hand.

Okay, enough ranting. Let's get this Chapter started~ *sings*



- L's POV -

Amai grabbed my hand and led me outside of headquarters. I tried to break free but she had a strong grip. (Well, I kinda enjoyed it though...)

We finally arrived to a place where nobody will be able to hear us speak. Amai had a serious look on her face. She stared at me, like she was looking right through my soul.

"What is it?" I questioned.

She smiled, and shook her head. "Oh, it's nothing. It's just that, I never expected that you'd have really large eyes like that on T.V."

"Pardon? Did you just say T.V?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I said T.V." Amai raised her hand, forming an L-shaped using her thumb and index finger. After that, she rotated it, forming a gun. Then she did the most unusual thing...


I blinked my eyes. How could she know I did that? If I remember correctly, the only ones present in that room are the members of the Task Force, Watari and myself. I even asked them to turn off their communication devices. It's clearly... impossible.

She must've noticed my expression, because she suddenly broke out in a grin.

"Nice to meet you, L LAWLIET."

- Amai's POV -

I was mentally praising myself. Not to brag or anything, but what I did was kinda cool. And I personally loved that scene as well, so might as well do it.

L had a shocking expression in his face. Darn it! Should've brought my camera for this.

"H-how do you know my name?" he pointed out. Oh great. He now has the "you're-a-monster" kind of look. I've really done it this time.

Seeing a vacant couch on the side of the room, I invited him to sit down. I also told him that I will explain everything. It clearly shows that he was hesitant at first, but seeing he had no choice, he agreed and sat down, doing his famous position again.

He stared at me with those black orbs of his which made me kind of nervous. "Explain."

"Well, you see, I'm really not from this world." I noticed L looking confused. Oh great, he must've thought I'm an alien. Way to start it off Amai!

"Then... where did you come from?" L asked. I took a deep breath, and started explaining everything, the way I did to Light. As expected, he took everything calmly, listening carefully to every word I'm saying. All he ever did was nodd in response.

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