Chapter 17: Discoveries

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**** 2 more days until Halloween! And two more friggin' days until the birthday of L! ****

- Location: Headquarters

POV: Light's -

I tapped my foot impatiently against the marble tile of the vicinity. Crossing my arms and huffing out a sigh, I awaited L to say something relevant to his plan of capturing Kira. But all he was doing the whole damn time is burying his face in nine or ten scoops of ice cream and gluing his sight on the monitor screen which only shows nothing but the same data over and over again.

"Ryuzaki, I don't mean to sound rude but, isn't it better if you try and do some research just for once rather than just... sitting around, eating ice cream." I looked over the frozen dessert and raised a brow. He seemed to reply back with a glare that says, 'No one comes between me and my ice cream'.

"Alright. If that's what you want..." I simply stated. Apparently, he seemed to forget everyone and everything else around him once he's with his sweet desserts. Note to self: The next time he'll frame me as being Kira and I have no other way to escape, bribe him with strawberry cake.

"So Light..." L called out with his monotonous voice. "Amai hasn't been here these past two days. I wonder where could she have gone off to. Any idea where she is right now?"

As if on cue, Amai slammed the door of HQ open, her face covered in beads of sweat, and her hair looked liked it was just blow dried by a monkey. "Sorry... I'm... late..." she said breathlessly. "Hope Professor Eyebags and his assistant Im-a-gay doesn't give me detention."

I rolled my eyes at her insult which L didn't seemed to mind at all. He just made a weird noise before getting back to his dessert. "So Amai," I said, "What've you been up to these past few days?" Her body suddenly tensed up when she head my question. "I-I was... uh... taking care of some important business..."

"Really now?"

L turned around using his revolving chair to face both of us. "What I heard is that you've been doing nothing but sleep. Usually, a person doesn't need two days to sleep, yet you still managed to do it. Care to explain?"

I was about to agree with Ryuzaki when something caught my eye. Amai wasn't making any eye contact with him at all. She was looking at the top of his head. It's either she's really crazy or she's...

- Amai's POV -

"Ryuzaki, would you please excuse us for just a second." Light said while grabbing my hand and dragging me away. He led me towards the sofa, far enough for L to hear any of our conversation. He had this scary expression, like someone took his candy. Oh wait. That statement should be for L.

"Talk" was the only word he uttered. Giving out a long sigh, I started filling him with all the details that had happened to me. From my dream to my travel to apples. How apples suddenly entered the conversation, I don't really know. But one thing's for sure... Kira doesn't look too happy. 

"Look Light, it's not that I want to keep it a secret from you. I just don't want you to find out." I stated, which made him raise a brow. "But isn't that the same thing?" he questioned.

- L's POV -

"What on earth are those two talking about?" I murmured under my breath. Usually I don't give any mind whether or not people keep secrets from me, but something tells me that their conversation might have something to do with Amai's problem or maybe Kira's.


I immediately turned my attention towards one of the monitors that made that sound. "Huh. It seems like we've got a new player on our hands."

I put another spoonful of ice cream on my mouth as I watched the screen display the information I needed about this new character.

"So, she's an idol, eh? This is going to be interesting..."

I hopped up from my chair, pressed a button which erased all data involving that person, called out Light and Amai and gave them a rather wicked grin which made them flinch.

"Come on you two. We've got a star to interview."

Amai gave a puzzled look. "Where are we exactly going, Ryuzaki?"

I gave out an answer that made Light avert his gaze from me. That made my suspicion go up to 34%"

"To-oh University."

- End of Chapter 17 -

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