Chapter 6: What is Love?

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**** Hi my nakama! Has anyone of you heard Taylor Swift's song "Superman"? I'll put the YouTube video there. If you listen carefully to the lyrics, it's like Misa's song for Light... She treats him like her savior right? And also the part where the song says...

~ Something in his deep brown eyes has me seeing... 

He's not all bad like his reputation 

And I can't hear one single word they say ~

It MATCHES!! It freaking matches!! Light has brown eyes! (Well, it transforms into red when he's writing in the Death Note or doing ominous stuff...)

Yeah, tell me what you think. Comment it down below.

Enjoy Chapter 6!! *****


- Amai's POV -

It was hell.

No, it's worse than hell (If something exists).

For the past days, Light has been treating me like his personal servant. He kept bossing me around, doing the most random stuff you could think of.

"Buy me 5 apples at the convenient store"

"Could you clean my room? I'm a little busy"

"Write down that criminal's name over there"

"Fix me up a sandwich"

As I walked up to the flight of stairs and entered Light's room, my eyes darted to the maid dress laid down on his bed and a note next to it that says,

'From now on, I want you to wear this every time you come to my house' -Light

That is it! I've had it! I stomped around the room, making weird sounds like "Graaaah!" and "Agggghhhh!"

"Looks like I interrupted something," said a familiar voice from afar.

"Ryuk!" I exclaimed. "Oh you don't know how happy I am to see you!" I was about to give the shinigami a hug, but then he stopped me.

"Uh. You may not believe it, but I get uncomfortable getting hugged by a girl. I'm a guy too, you know," he said.

"Hehe. Sorry," I uttered with a smile.

Ryuk positioned himself comfortably in the bed, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and chewing it thoroughly.

"You know what Amai?" the shinigami suddenly spoke.


"I think you're a better person than Light," he said, popping another apple in his mouth.

"Why thank you Ryuk. You're not so bad yourself," I replied.

Before he could say anything else, we heard the opening of the door downstairs. I peeked through the window to see who it was, and of course, I was right.

I let out a long sigh. Ryuk chuckled. "Looks like your boyfriend's back."

"Yeah, I don't even care anymore..." I told him, which he finds amusing.

Light entered the room, wearing his school uniform. He set his bag down the desk, and sat on the rotating chair. He looked over to where the maid outfit was, and sighed.

"Amai. I told you to wear that when you come over to my house," he stated.

He must've known that ticked me off, because he didn't even flinch when I threw a pillow at his face, exclaiming, "I can't take this anymore!! You're horrible! I'm leaving," and closed the door behind me.

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