Chapter 12: Misa's Here!!

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**** Hi my nakamas!! Sorry for not updating at the moment. You know, with the school work and all...

So... I already got 800+ reads?! That's a lot for someone whose known to write only Fairy Tail-themed stories. To express my gratitude, I would like to hold a 'dedication + mention' game. First one to answer my question correctly... WINS!

Okay. You ready? Here we go...

"Tell me the name of the shinigami who has an apple fetish."


Enjoy Chapter 12!~ ****


- ???'s POV 

Location: Busy Streets -

"Are you sure about doing this?" Rem asked, following me behind.

"Yeah! There must be some way I could thank Kira. And what better way than to assist him in upholding justice?" I replied.

"Oh! And don't worry Rem! I know I'm a lot stronger than he is!" I added with a smile.


... I have the EYES."

- Amai's POV 

Location: Her bedroom -

I plopped myself down in my soft bed. Oh the joy of relaxing in your bed after a day filled with so much... stress...


"Alright! Now that's all over it, I guess I'd better get home!" I told L and Light.


"Oh, you're going already?" L suddenly jumped up from his chair. "Let me escort you. Watari! Prepare the car!"


Light immediately took notice and abruptly grabbed my hand. "It's okay Ryuzaki. I'll be the one to take her home."


"No. No. No. I insist. I'm the one who invited her here. I should be the one-"

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