I'm deciding to go explore, my mom is gonna come with me and I will hopefully find food and maybe some animals.
Me and my mom walked around throughly the forest for hours collecting nuts, berries, and we even found some fruit which I love, mangoes are the best I also heard that wild pigs love fruit so.
I saw another mango tree and I walked up to it and something jumped out from a bush and scared me so much and I threw stuff at it until I figured out what it was, it was a PIG🐷.
I fed it some fruit from the tree and it was getting late so I needed to get back home, so I started walking and the animal was following me! I tried to shoo it away but it wouldn't leave so I guess I got a pet pig that moment.
I made a little pig house, I dug out a small pit and put a roof on it and he/she loves it, the pig squealed in excitement. And keep in mind this is a wild pig so it's not trained or anything so I hope it doesn't take or destroy anything while I'm sleeping. My mom doesn't approve with the pig but I can hopefully talk her out of it. Who doesn't want a pet pig?!?! They are so cute and fun.

AdventureIn this book "Lost" I will be making somewhat of a remake from the book hatchet, if you haven't read that book go read it it's really good.