Making Our Last Year the Best

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Andy's POV

I got my phone out and texted Sarah as soon as I woke up. "Good morning! TIME TO WAKE UP SARAH!" I set my phone down and went to get dressed. Today is the day we finally graduate from high school. I've been looking forward to this day since I came here my sophomore year and the best part is that I will have Sarah by my side. I'm so glad I met her because she really does bring out the better person in me. Not only that but she's been there through every thing and has stayed by my side. She really is my best friend that I would be lost without. But recently I've been feeling really weird towards her like I've noticed small things in her that are just so cute. For example I love how when she smiles her whole face brightens up and it just makes me want to keep her smiling for the rest of our lives.

I shook my head to get away from my thoughts; she would never think of me the same. I had just finished getting dressed when my phone went off. "I KNOW THIS ANDY. Happy graduation day!" I smiled and was about to reply with "Stop texting and get dressed" when she sent another text asking, "Are you driving or me?" And yes between these last two years we both finally passed our driver's test. For Sarah it might have taken a little longer. "I will drive us, come over around 8?" I sent back. I then went over and put on some music seeing as I had another 30 minutes until Sarah was to come over.

Finally my doorbell went off at 8:03. I opened the door and gave her a crooked smile. "You're late Sarah." She looked down and smiled which gave me a chance to see her graduation outfit. I was so glad she was looking down so she couldn't see my eyes bug out of my head. The black and light blue she had on made her look phenomenal. It accentuated her curves, was short enough to show of her mile long legs, but not too short to show off everything else, and then it was what I think is called a sweet heart cut and made her breasts really show their size. 

Then she looked up and I saw her face and hair better. Her hair was curled, which I've never seen before, so perfectly that it framed her face and her make up was actually not heavy. Well she had her usual eyeliner and eye shadow, which both were black, but she had a light pink blush and light pink lip stick. She looked amazing. I smiled and let her in.

"Do you want anything to eat for breakfast?" I asked her. "No I'm fine I ate over at my house." she answered back politely. We wouldn't be leaving until 11:30 seeing as my mom wasn't home yet, my dad was still sleeping, and graduation didn't start until 12. We went and sat on the couch and watched tv. Then around 10:45 I felt a head fall onto my lap gently. I stifled a laugh as it was Sarah who had fallen asleep. I decided I'd let her sleep until my mom got home which would be another 15 minutes. 

About 10 minutes after this my dad walked in but before he said anything I made sure to tell him that Sarah was sleeping. He nodded his head in understanding. He walked over to me and asked, "Are you excited for graduation?" I smiled and nodded my head. "Son I wanna say something important to you. I see the way you look at her and act with her." He started. I looked at him confused. "You look at her and treat her as if she's the most important and most delicate thing in the world. If I were you, I wouldn't wait until it's too late." With that he slapped me on the back and went to the kitchen to wait for my mom. I sat there rethinking his words. "I wouldn't wait until it's too late." I don't understand what he's trying to tell me to do. I just left it and shifted to wake Sarah up before my mom is to be due home. 

I shook her slightly and she stirred, "Wake up Sarah mom is gonna be here soon." I told her. She opened her eyes and looked straight at me. I held her gaze for a minute and looked away. I could look into her eyes forever. She slowly got off me and stood up to straighten her self out. "Sorry for falling asleep on you." She said sleepily. I just smiled and shook my head at her. 

The doorbell rang about 10 minutes after Sarah woke up and my mom waltzed through the door. "Where are my high school graduates?" My mom yelled into the house. Sarah did a 180 and ran to hug my mom. "I'm right here!" She yelled. My mom slightly flinched at the volume of her voice. She smiled and hugged her back. "I realized that Sarah." My mom said giggling as she let go. "And my biological graduate?" She asked with her arms open for me to hug her. " I'm here as well mom." She hugged me back. "Hey where's my hug?" My dad said with teasing smile.My mom's eyes lit up as she walked over to my dad and he engulfed her into a hug. I hoped to be like them one day.

After we said our hellos, goodbyes, and what time to be at the school, me and Sarah got into my car and headed towards school. "So are you nervous?" Sarah asked breaking the silence. "No, well I mean not really. I'm happy to be leaving school the only thing I'd miss is seeing you everyday." I smiled cheekily at her. "What about you?" I asked her. "Same as you." She replied. I looked down feeling guilty for not telling her yet. "Hey Sarah, after graduation I need to talk to you." I said slowly. "Okie." She said and smiled at me. I slightly smiled and focus back on the road.

We finally get to school and I park in my designated parking spot. Sarah reaches down to grab her clutch and I take the opportunity to get out, round the car, and open her door. I hold out a hand to help her out. She takes it and smiles, "Thank you kind sir." I stifle a laugh and reply with, "But of course madame." 

We walk into the school via the front doors and head to our lockers. Sarah looks at the locker and kind of touches it as if reminiscing on a fond memory. I lightly push her shoulder. "Hey what are you thinking about?" I say leaning my head on the locker so I could be her height. "I was just thinking that this is going to be the last time we will ever be skipping class by our locker, the last time we will be at our lockers rushing to class, the last time we can gossip by our lockers." She says sadly. I cup her face to force her to look at me. "Yes its the last time for a lot of things but look on the bright side. Its the last time we get beat up by the dick squad, the last time we get bitched at by teachers, and the last time we will be standing in this hell. So yes its the last time but its also the first time. Its the first time that we will walk out of this school happy, the first time we can walk out of school and do what and say what we want, Sarah its the first time we get to start a new part of our lives." I say. She smiles sadly, "Yeah, you're right I can't have my head stuck in the past. Let's go graduate." She says, her smile widening.

I grab her hand and lead her to the football field. Before the ceremony begins i squeeze her hand and kiss her cheek for reassurance. We then separate and go to our assigned seats. 


Sarah's POV:

I find Andy in the crowd and we throw our hats up together. He then hugs me and spins me around. "Can you believe this short stuff? We did it! We survived hell and we have a paper to prove it!" He says excitedly. I can't help but smile as his excitement is contagious. "I can't believe it Andy but hey I couldn't have done it without you by my side." I say. He looks down at me and smiles. 

His parents run up to us and hug us individually. "I'm so proud of the both of you." Amy gushes. Chris silently agrees and hugs Andy. "Come on everyone we need to celebrate the last 24 hours before my little rock star heads to L.A." Amy says and starts walking to her car with Chris following. My heart stopped. When I froze, so did everything around me. Andy decided to become silent. I peek over at him. 

He chose that moment to avoid eye contact with me. He looked down at the floor as if he were waiting for it to swallow him whole. After the aisle cleared Amy and Chris walked ahead of us. I looked over at Andy again to see him staring straight ahead. "What did Amy mean?" I asked in a small voice once we were outside of the pavilion.  He let out a small sigh. "I didn't want you to find out this-" He started. "What way? Through your parents? I'm your best friend incase you forgot this minor detail. Was I not important enough to share the information that you have a potential shot at becoming a musician like you always talked about?" I asked him feeling hurt that he didn't tell me this. "Sarah I didn't tell you because it was too damn hard! Yes you're my best friend which is why it was hard. You've been with me through everything the past four years and to imagine not living 10 seconds away was hard to deal with. I was planning on telling you tonight after we celebrated our graduation." He said genuinely. 

"Well when do you leave then?" I asked hoping he wasn't going to say the word I was thinking.



Authors Note: I am literally so sorry guys, my life has been jam packed crazy busy recently. But testing is coming up and after that I will have the end of the year and summer to update for all of you beautiful people. Again, I'm sorry but I promise to be more active. If you have any good ideas of where you want this story to go or any plot twists feel free to DM me. Stay amazing Love you all!


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