The Fear of Flight

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Ok, so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while...but I wasn't getting any feedback, soooooo...yeah.  but hey, I'll keep trying!  Comment, vote, and fan!


The flight was terrible.  I abhorred it so much I almost jumped out the window.  Even so, the most annoying part was the kid behind me, constantly kicking my seat.  Many times I have tried to rip his throat out, but Alejandro, unfortunately, was there to stop me.  I even tried to go to sleep, but that failed.

As my eyes started to droop, and a wave of sleep washed over my exhausted body, I felt Alejandro's hand crawling up my leg, closer and closer to my crotch.  I made a noise as his hand just about touhed me, then smacked him so hard that he fell out of his seat and onto the isle.  He started laughing loudly at my expression of disgust.

"And what the hell do you think you were doing?"

He giggled.  "Um, maybe trying to touch you?"  My eyes narrowed.  "What?  You're my girlfriend!  We should be having-"

"Enough!  I don't want to hear it!"  I shook my head and  turned away.  "If you're going to be one of those guys, then just fuck off now."  I felt him sit back down, and place his hand on my shoulder, making me turn to him.

His eyes showed sincere regret.  "Pera, I'm really sorry.  I was just playing around; I would never force you to do something that you would be uncomfortable with."  Slowly, my gaze softened.  "Oh, thank God!  I though you were ready to chuck me out the window!"  I laughed at the relief on his face.

"Bienvenidos a Florida!  We hope you have enjoyed your flight and we hope to see you again!"

I looked at Alejandro.  "Well, here we go."


Wow.  Florida was just  And it was very bright.  Let's not forget very humid.  "I already hate this place."

My mother looked at me with dissaproval.  "And why is that, mija?" 

"It's hot."  I looked around, squinting my eyes.  "Too bright!  This is worse than Jalisco!"  A snobbish girl looked at me in a weird way, earning my finger to her face.

As she walked away, her nose up in the air, my mother smacked me across the head.  "You better watch what you do around here!"  I rolled my eyes.  Right, it was my fault that I was Mexican.  "Well, anyway let's head to our hotel!"

"Talk about a mood swing."  I whispered to Alejandro.  I heard him chuckle and he took my hand, entwining our fingers.  As we were walking, I noticed that the trees weren't really trees- they were palm trees!  The scenery here was beautiful, I had to admit that.  "Damn..."

Alejandro threw his head back with a laugh, making me smile at his mirth.  There was a group of boys around the corner, and when they saw us, or rather Alejandro, they had the balls to come up to him- and hit on him!

One boy, a tall blonde with Aqua eyes and surfer wear stood out from the rest.  He was very good-looking.  "Well, hello," he purred, "hot stuff."  I raised my brow, backing away from the scene, wanting to watch the drama about to start.

I stifled a laugh as the blonde kid stepped up to Alejandro.  "Um, dude, I'm not-"

"Oh!  Nice accent!  Hm, Jace likes a lot."  Ah, so Jace was his name.  How fitting.



"I.  Am.  Not.  Gay."  He looked at me, and motioned for me to come to him.  Sighing I reluctantly  walked to him.  "She is my girlfriend.  The girl I love."  At the word love I blushed a bright red.  Jace looked at me and smirked.  I wrinkled my brow in confusion.  "Let's go, Pera."

As we walked by Jace, he whispered in my ear, "Okay sweerheart, I'm going to make him gay for me."  I gasped and looked him in the eye, challenging him.  "Whatever,"  I muttered. 

Oh, God.  This was going to be a long stay.

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