Thug Life

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Okk, so here's another chappie..i hope i can make it long enough to satisfy me, because i've had a tendency to write very shortly..So ENJOY

"Alejandro, Alejandro!"  I heard someone hiss at my ear.  Slowly, my eyes opened, landing on a tired-looking Esperanza.  I cocked an eyebrow at her, just noticing our position; I was on top of her, and it seemed as though I was crushing her.

With a grunt, I rolled off of her, somehow ending up on the floor.  I heard her laugh until she started to snore softly again.  Sighing, I stood up and grabbed my jeans, sliding them on and a black shirt.  After washing my teeth for more than two minutes-hey, I have white teeth-my legs dragged me out of the hotel room and down to the lobby.

It's been a couple of days since we last saw Jace and his gang.  I was starting to think he had an actual gang-the one with guns and thuggish life-styles.  What was he thinking, telling me he was going to make me gay for him?  And saying that in front of Pera.  After checking the lobby clock, it was four in the a.m, I headed outside into the warm Florida air.

Walking out here was a lot more intimidating than in Mexico.  Though it was the U.S, there was still rumored alley-way killings, so I steered clear of any dark niches in the buildings.  I was walking when I heard faint footsteps behind me, almost matching my own.  A few minutes went by with the same effect, and I was starting to panic.  I whipped my head behind me, cricking my neck, but seeing no one there.

"You're going  crazy, pendejo."  Shaking my head I continued walking, still hearing the footsteps behind me.  There was a scuffle behind in one of the alleys by me, then suddenly a hand shot out and grabbed onto my upper arm.  I screamed loudly until the other hand slapped down on my mouth, muffling my cries.

I was squeezing my eyes shut, struggling against the muscled arms enclosing me.  "Didn't your mother tell you never to walk alone at night, pretty boy?"  I gasped, the sound dull against flesh.  That voice, I knew that voice.  It was Jace, he was jumping me?

Jace was jumping me.

Screaming again, I threw myself forward, causing Jace and I to fall to the ground.  Before we could make it, Jace pulled me up by the collar of my shirt.  Not only did it choke me, but it left burns on my skin, and they both hurt a lot.  I was slammed up against the wall, the hard brick scraping the back of my head, making my vision spin.

He started to laugh.  "Don't worry, I 'm not going to jump you.  I've got better ideas for your body."  Jace murmered against my ear.  Against my will, my body shivered, showing my fear.  He took it as another sign, I guess, becasuse he pulled back and licked his lips.  He placed his hand over my mouth when I was about to scream again, causing my throat to close.  He was obviously stronger than me, and I couldn't get out of his grasp.

My eyes widened when he lowered his head down, licking up my neck to the hollow beneath my ear.  I cried out, struggling against him again.  My movements distracted him long enough to unwrap his arms from me, and I pushed myself from the wall and started to make a run for it.  As I was nearing the openess of the streets, Jace pushed me down.  He hovered above me, an angry look on his face; he was sneering at me, and I felt his hand travel from my neck all the way down to my unprotected manhood.

I managed to uppercut him, knocking him off me and I quickly got up and ran again.  I never looked back at the alley, scared he was behind me.  It took about ten minutes to get back to the hotel, and two minutes to pass the lobby and go up to the third floor to our room.  As I slid to halt, I hurridly grabbed the pass card out of my pocket and opened the door, bursting into the room and startling a wet, almost naked Pera.

"What the hell-"  I launched myself at her, hugging her close to my body.  "Hey, what's wrong?  Baby?"  As I was telling her the story, she nodded and "um-hummed" at parts she found appaling.  By the end she was pissed.  Almost looking like she was about to go back over to the alley and beat the shit out of Jace.

Shakily, I pulled away, blushing furiously.  "Oh fuck, this really is going to be a long trip."  With those words, my eyed started to droop and I fell into an uneasy sleep.

Well, there you go.  Quite an odd chappie, but hey, gotta incorperate everything eh?  Vote, comment, and fan!!

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