Listen to the Song

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Okay guys, comment comment comment comment!  Do  you all understand how weird i look when i'm hovering over the computer, scouring my page to see if i got comments?  well, i look weird.  so please, have some sympathy and COMMENT.  Thanks a bunch<3        *oh, and by the way peoples, i'm gonna start writing like a normal person with individual chapters, so be prepared for my random inspirations like tonight's*                                                               


I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried

To say whats on my mind

You should have known

Now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what

You've made of me

I followed the voice, you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened..."

I closed my eyes as soothing words were sung with so much emotion, it caused me to sing as well.  My ears were filled with the sweet melody of pain and breaking free, and my lips formed the words of greatness.  Laying down on my bed, I sung out the inspiring words of Charice from Glee singing "Listen."  The moon was shining out from my window, and she was also singing with me, her voice whispering in the wind, her tears falling with the stars.

My voice carried through the night, slicing it like that knife to my skin, and I felt all my energies filling me up, causing me to see clearly then.  I saw the actual love from my family, from Alejandro, and a new sensation, a new love has overtaken me.  The relieving love of myself.  I actually loved myself, and all my flaws, all my talents. 

The moon felt my new emotions, and she shone brighter, illuminating the path out for me.  Looking up at the sky, the stars guided me to the meadow, to my other home, and my bare feet carried me to the soft grass; sitting down, I brought my knees up to my chest and hummed out my heart.  Poetic romance played in the air as my eyes closed once more, and the tears came fast. 

Tears streamed down my cheeks, their bitter- sweet smell enveloping me with the past horrors of my life.  As they fell, faster as the past was torn off of me, my eyes slowly opened and the moon's stars brightened, it seemed, for my new acceptance of self's flaws.  Laying my head back, the moist grass caressed my cheek as I turned to the side. 

Sleep came easy that night, and I rarely stirred from the peace that suddenly overtook me that night.  I had no idea that life could be easy, but then I had no idea that love and a song can change a stone heart into a beating symphony.  Morning came sooner than I thought, and with the sun came a soft kiss from a pair of lips I knew well.

Soon that simple kiss ignited a burning passion from within me, and the sparks flew into the wind as Alejandro's surprised lips went to my neck.  I played with his soft hair, but pushed him away gently as I shook my head.  "I'm rediscovering myself, so knock it off."  I said with a smile.  He grinned back, and helped me to my feet. 

Soon, we were off to Alberto's, and my peers.  That time, though, I didn't even glance at them.  I let them whisper about me, let them have their giddy ways.  But when i did look at them, I spoke clearly and with determination, "I pity you all."

And with that, Esperanza left the ice cream shop.


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