Chapter 5 - The Childhood Promise

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Imagine the shape of my mouth when I made the longest yawn in history. We were already inside the gym, listening to whatever it was the principal was saying. It was something about the festival tonight but I couldn't care less. It was boring and I lost interest immediately.

Across the vast gym, I saw Poopy paying close attention to the speaker. Wow. Out of all the people here, she's probably the only one seriously listening.

I didn't realize I was staring at her for that long until I noticed somebody almost smack my back. Before he could do the deed, I swiftly caught his arm and twisted it clockwise, looking at the culprit right after.

"Ow ow ow! Cool man! Where'd you learn that?!" He exclaimed while actually looking excited.

I just narrowed my eyes at him before releasing my grip. I think he was in my class. The loud one from earlier. The one that got hit by a flying book.

He grinned at me wildly before nonchalantly massaging his shoulder. "I'm Sean by the way. So, who'd the witch sign you up with?"

Witch? Ella?

"Who knows," I replied. That was a lie. I knew exactly who my partner was.

Sean just grinned again. "I see. You weren't given any assignments by the demon right?"

Demon? Poopy?

I am confused as to why I was able to decipher his choice of names for those girls.


"Lucky you then!" he groaned. And then he threw his hands in the air for more emphasis. "Every year, I do terribly on every job I'm given because I thought if I do it badly enough, they won't ask me to do it again. But no, they give me even harder jobs as punishment! Like renting all of the costumes for tonight!"

His voice sounded frustrated and somehow, I understood his twisted logic. True enough, his job sounded pretty difficult, but at least he pulled it off. Maybe he's not as irresponsible as he looks? He puts off quite an approachable atmosphere.

I think I'm going to get along with this guy.

"C'mon," he motioned his head towards a certain direction. "We gotta get changed now. The dressing room's this way."

I silently nodded my head as I followed him from behind.


At the dressing room, I stared at the ridiculous costume hanging on the wall. It was about ten minutes since I started eyeing it with great distaste, constantly checking the tag if it was really mine.

And it really was mine, unfortunately.

I never thought a moment would come where I'd want to cry about something like this. "You've got to be kidding me."

For the last time, I checked the tag. Yup my name was sadly still there. And it won't go away no matter how much I glare at it.

It was an off-white dress shirt with small ruffles on the chest area. The shirt was accompanied by a thick black coat mind you, a pair of dark slacks, a large hat I don't know how to describe but has a feather on top of it, and a fake sword at the side.

The only bright side was, there weren't any tights or pumpkin shorts if this costume is what I assume it'd be.

"So you got that one!" Sean appeared again. What the hell was he wearing? He's so... green. "You got a prince outfit while I'm stuck wearing this frog crap! What am I supposed to be anyway?! That Ella's really done it this time."

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