Chapter 6 - The Hundred Kisses

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There are two things I can't believe I did tonight:

One - I kissed her.

Two - I kissed her again.

Somebody please tell me what the hell is wrong with me. I know she'll probably hate me for real this time but I just couldn't help myself. I felt giddy and happy.

Forgive me, my male-pride, to exchange you with my stubborn stupidity.

"W-Wait!" she cried out, grabbing my hand which was pulling her wrist. "Slow down! You're too fast!"

This time, my stupidity took over my brain and caused me to secretly smile all shy-like to myself. I mean, that's the only explanation right? What else could it be?

But maybe another reason was because I recalled a faint memory of my childhood, the one where Poopy chased me all around their garden, and she'd shout, 'Peanut Butter, wait for me! No fair! No fair! You're too fast!'

I feel so fuzzy. Bits and pieces of my childhood memories kept coming back every minute I spent with her.

It's strange. But it's a good kind of strange.

"Daniel!" she yelled. I halted in my steps and peeked at her from my shoulder. She was softly panting. "You're unfair... Walk slower would you? I'm having a hard time with these stupid high-heeled shoes."

"Ah," I foolishly grinned, as I saw the resemblance of the past and the present Poopy. "Then shall I carry you like a princess?"


She quickly withdrew her hand from my grasp and rose up her fists, making a stance as if she was getting ready for a fight. This girl, seriously.

"Back off Romeo! You're messing with the wrong Juliet!"

It was cute.

I snorted and walked closer to her. I wonder how nervous she'll get.

"S-Stop! I'm warning you!" she said, but her brave words came out too weakly. "You're gonna regret it!"

"I'm so scared," I straightly replied, but sarcasm obviously dripped from my words. "I wonder what I'm gonna do with this midget."

After hearing the word midget she immediately reacted. Haha! She was offended! Truth was, she wasn't really that short. She was probably five foot something, but since I was a head taller than her, I called her that. I didn't know she'd be affected though.

"Who are you calling midget you butthead?!"

I can't help it. I want to tease her. I really like it when she gets mad. What the hell is wrong with my brain these days... it had turned into its sadistic side.

Still jet-lagged, probably.

"My, my," I said in a mellow accent. "Easily offended aren't we? Little girls should watch their tongues when speaking to guys. What if a guy suddenly acts hostile towards you?"

I put emphasis on the little. This is fun.

"So what?!" she huffed with annoyance. I noticed how she'd always bite her lip when she's mad, and how she breathes heavily, like a boar getting ready to charge. A very tiny boar. "I'll beat him up! And don't call me a little girl, you stupid pig!"

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