Chapter 15 - The Interesting Dinner

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༻ Kristina

"Oh hey!" Mom greeted us at the door, beaming with happiness and excitement when she saw we brought Ella along.

"Hey Aunt Liz!" Ella chirped, giving my mom a huge hug. These two were the best of friends. I don't even remember when or how. But I do remember them being formidable partners in crime.

Crime, defined by myself, as something they think or do to 'girl me up' or hook me up with someone or something without my consent.

It is a huge crime.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Mom asked as we stepped inside. Ella nodded excitedly. I just looked over her, worried. Was she really okay now?

"Goody!" Mom squealed and clapped her hands like a teenage girl. Seriously.

"Great. More noise." I heard Daniel say as he quietly hung his coat near the door.

I just noticed he was actually wearing one over our uniform.

My eyes narrowed at the sight of it. His coat... was big. It wasn't like the small coat in my memory anymore.

I shook my head.

Of course it wasn't! He wasn't a kid anymore, and neither was I. I sighed. But really, the change saddened me a bit. Compared to the coat he gave me years ago, the one he was using now was twice, no, thrice as big. We really grew up huh.

What. Ugh. Why does it even matter?

"Tina!" Ella hollered from the living room. She and my mom already went ahead. Eh. Mom's stealing my best friend again. "Come over here!"

I treaded towards them and eyed my mom suspiciously when I saw a playful smile on her face. That was never a good sign.

"What have you two planned this time?" I asked, my voice sounding like I'd already caved in before even knowing what it was.

"You really don't trust us, do you?" Mom giggled. "I just wanted to ask Daniel if he can make dinner for us tonight. Your dad's coming home late."

"What." My voice was hoarse. Daniel stepped in the living room the moment I was about to object with all my might.

"Daniel! Can you do us a favor?" Ella called his attention, still beaming.

I'm starting to think it was a mistake to bring Ella here and meet with her partner in crime also known as my very own mother.

"Sure." He simply replied.

I wanted to slap myself. Why did he have to agree so quickly?

"Can you make dinner for us?" Mom said. Daniel looked at me; I was giving him the opposite reaction my mom and best friend had right now.

And that just made him all the more motivated to piss me off.

"Okay. What should I make?"

He was walking directly into a trap. Dumbbutt.

And mom. Ugh. Mom couldn't contain her giggles. She and Ella literally looked like fan girls right now. Just how bored were they? "You can use whatever's in the kitchen. You decide what to make. I heard from Johnny that you're an excellent cook."

I stared at her and then at him. He was?

I heard him sigh at the mention of his dad's name, like he was more than used to his dad always bragging about him. "Not really. But I can make edible stuff."

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