Chapter 11

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One Direction's last Otra Concert and Larry hug!!!!!! I'm dead x_x

I've pre ordered there album and can't wait till November 13!!!!!!

Warning may contain bad words ( don't read ahead if it bothers you)

Hope you enjoy!!!!



When Zayn and Liam told us they were dating my heart sank and I almost burst out crying. I've liked Liam for about 2 months now ever since that night............

2 months ago

I was talking to Josh at the time and Josh and I were dating for about 2 weeks and then Josh had to ask me if I liked Liam. I couldn't lie to Josh so I said I liked Liam. And then last thing I know Josh said I should ask Liam out and then he hugged me bye. So after that I went to Liams hotel. "Hey Niall what's up" I heard Liam saying. Then I said without thinking it through " nothing I shouldn't have came in here." I then walked out of the room and haven't talked to Liam that much since then.

Back to present day

We are at the meeting now and of course before we started Liam pulled me into another room. "Hey what's wrong Niall I saw you were about to cry" Liam asked. I looked him in the eyes and said" it's nothing important anymore." I was about to cry when Liam hugged me. Being the mad person I am I pushed him off of me and said " don't ever touch me again or talk to me." After I said that I saw he was about to cry so I ran out of the room and went to the room the other boys were in with Simon Cowell. "Do you know where Liam is Niall" asked Simon. "I have no idea" I said not wanting to tell them. I then saw that there were two seats open but by each other and I didn't want laim to sit by me. Hey Zayn can we switch spots" I asked. Being the nice person Zayn is he moved and let me sit by Harry. We were about to start the meeting and Liam walked in saying "sorry I'm late I was busy." He then sat down next to Zayn. I heard Zayn whisper to Liam " have you been crying?" Then Liam just looked at me and said "it's nothing." We then started the meeting and we were about to end the meeting when Simon asked "so is there anything else you guys want to tell me?" Harry then stood up and told him about him and Louis. I was hoping that Zayn or Liam wouldn't tell Simon but of course Zayn stood up and told Simon. Out of no where I then said " ok we are done now I'm out of here." I walked to the taxi waiting for the other guys and when they arrived they didn't ask about my out burst which I was happy about. "So guys wanna go to my house and hang out" asked Zayn. Of course Liam said yes and so did Louis and Harry. I then said "no thanks I think I'm going to go home and sleep." Then Louis said "well the taxi is only going to stop at Zayn's house." I then said "well I guess I'll walk home." Then Liam said "you can't it's raining." "Does it look like I care" I say in a mean tone of voice. I then told the driver to stop and I walked out of the taxi. I was about to walk home when the taxi door opened and Liam walked out saying to the others "I'm going to walk home with Niall." I feel Liam put his arm around me and I said "I said not to touch me ever again." "Why are you so mad at me Niall? What did I ever do to you" asked Liam. "I'm not mad at you ok I'm just sad that's all" I say yelling. Liam grabbed my waist and asked "what did I do to you to make you sad?" I then said to him "you're dating Zayn that's what you did!" I then realized what I said and turned around running to my house locking the doors. Now I don't want to be in the concert tomorrow...............

Hope you enjoyed it. I know it doesn't have slot of detail. I'll be working on that for the future chapters.

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