Chapter 4

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I don't know why but I love this picture so much!!!!



"So is it true that you guys have finished a new song and the video is done?"asks the interviewer." Yes it's all done and coming out soon" says Harry in his perfect British accent." Well I bet everyone will like it so let's get done in gossip do any of you guys like someone?"asks the interviewer." I think Demi Lovato is pretty hot" says Niall." Anyone else" asks the interviewer." Nope" says Zyan. I see Harry looking at me smiling. I turn around saying " what" to Harry and Harry says " I need to talk to you after the interview is over." I feel my stomach have a weird feeling. Then last thing I know we are done with the interview and Harry tugs me saying " come on" so I follow him and we end up in a room that's empty. " What do you want to talk about" I ask. Then Harry says " promise you won't freak out?" "Yes I promise" I say. We stand there for like 5 minutes until Harry says really quickly " I like you more as a friend but if you don't feel the same  I understand just tell me." I freeze and then out of nowhere I pick him up from the waist and hold him as close as I could.


I thought after I would tell Louis he would run or calls me names but surprisingly he hugged me and lift me up. I was frozen when he let me go and he says " I feel the same way." All I can do is smile when suddenly Zayn comes in saying " come on guys it's time to go back to the hotel."



We arive at the hotel and Liam and Niall go back to there room. When Harry and I walk in the room there is a moment of silence then Harry says "does this change anything between us?" "Do you want it to" I ask." Yea I really do" he says smiling with his cute dimples." Then I guess we are official" I say smiling but then the doors open and Liam comes in saying the Zayn and Niall are sleeping in the other hotel and he wants to join us. Lucky for me he sleeps on one bed and Harry and I share a bed. We fall asleep and I feel Harry put his arm around my waist. He asks "is it ok if I do this?" "Yep doesn't bother Me" I say falling asleep thinking of Harry.

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