Chapter 12

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I really hope you will enjoy this chapter. Sorry guys it's taking me a long time to write but I've been trying to add more detail so it will take longer.

I love Harry's look on his face!!! I also added the colors to make it more Larry!!!----->

Also this chapter is Niam and not Larry. Sorry.



I didn't even sleep last night. You would think since I cried my eyes out I would be tired but I wasn't. I looked over to the clock and it said 5:59 and we had to get up at 6 so I just set the alarm off. I then got up being so tired I could barely walk in a straight line. I walked to the shower and took a shower.

When I got done I heard a knock on the door. I rushed to my room to get dressed and then I answered the door. I was surprised to see Zayn standing there. He looked like he has been crying. "Yes Zayn" I asked thinking it would be better for me to talk first. "What did you say to Liam last night" Zayn asked me. I didn't want to tell him because I was curious why he wanted to know. "Why" I asked him. He looked up at me and said " Liam and I just got in a big fight and I asked him why he was mad and he said ask niall why I'm mad." My heart sank so deep.

Why did Liam fight Zayn was he thinking the same thing. Of course not he didn't like me. I was snapped back to reality when I heard Zayn crying louder. I didn't want to tell Zayn the real thing I told Liam so I said " I just talked to him about tonight's concert because I forgot the song order." Zayn then looked at me and said " whatever don't tell me what you really said." Zayn then left. Now I really didn't want to go to the concert tonight.



I don't even know what happend last night? When I got home that night so many thoughts were going through my mind. Why did Niall say he was sad because of Zayn and I? My heart has been hurting ever since I started walking home. I then realized that Zayn would be at my house waiting for my arrival. I walked into my house with a surprising tight hug around my waist.

Zayn then pulled away looking at me saying "what's wrong Liam??? It looks like you have been crying." "Sory, Zayn...I've," I shortly cut off by my knees caving in and hearing myself crying ," why does life have to be so hard,really why?" Zayn tried to pull me into a hug and by surprise I backed away and said " I better go to bed Zayn. We have a concert tomorrow and I want energy to see Niall."

The words slipped out of my mouth. I didn't want Zayn to k ow what happend. I was walking to my bedroom when Zayn asked " what did Niall do?" Me not wanting to tell Zayn what happend said " ask Niall why I'm sad and mad."



I arrived at the stadium two hours before the concert started. I was heading to sound check when I bumped into someone. "Sorry," I said. I looked at the person and saw it was Liam. Liam the looked up and I saw that he has been crying.

I wanted to make the thing that made him cry regret it. "Are you, okay?" I asked worried. "Ummm...," then Liam looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes of his. He walked around me than ran like it depended on his life. I was about to run when I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

I looked and it was Zayn. "What did you do Niall!?!?!?! Why do you like making Liam upset?" Zayn asked. I felt my eyes watering so I ran to my dressing room and locked the door behind me. I was shocked to see Liam standing behind me when I turned around.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked not wanting him to see me cry. "We need to talk," said Liam. I wanted to talk with him but was afraid of what Zayn would say. "Don't you think Zayn wants to see you," I asked feeling my heart break." I think I like someone else," Liam said looking at me smiling.

I was about to say something she Louis knocked on my door telling me it was time for sound check.I walked behind Liam to sound check and we began to sing. When it got to my solo I was daydreaming and forgot to sing. I looked up and saw everyone staring at me.

Then all of a sudden Zayn punches me so hard I can hear something snap. Then I kneed Zayn in the ribs. As we were moving around beating each other I fought a glimpse of Liam's face. There was only one way that described his face ,scared. I automatically stopped and looked at Liam. "Stop staring at Liam,Niall! You just make him upset," Zayn said. Louis and Harry ran out of the room to do who knows what.

Then I saw Liam walk up to Zayn,pushing him on the wall. "Niall doesn't make me upset. He just makes me have mixed feelings,happy,and I feel way better around him then you. That probably why I like him," Liam said still looking at Zayn, who was crying now."Zayn......I'm sorry I didn't want to tell you like this," Liam said. Liam let go of Zayn to let him free from the wall. Zayn ran out of the room so fast. I looked at Liam when he turned around. "Are you okay," I asked still in shock over what he said.

Liam looked at me with his beautiful eyes and said "yeah, I'm fine but are you? I heard something snap when Zayn hit you." "My knee really hurts but it will get better soon," I said seeing that Liam was in shock too over what he said too. "But don't worry I won't let it drag me down," I said trying to lighten up the mood. Liam smiled at me and said " you're also really funny." I felt my cheeks get hot so I said " I should probably get ready to go on stage in 10 minutes."

"Okay, I should do the same too," Liam said. We both walked to our separate dressing rooms. Ten minutes later I started walking to stage and was amazed when Liam hugged me and said.........


I really hope you liked this chapter! I tried to use a lot of detail. I would also like to say a shout out to Wolfy09 for writing some of this with me. She is an amazing writer and you should follow her!!

Vote and comment please!!!


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