Chapter 13

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Sexy picture of Niall ever!!!!------>

Hope you guys enjoy!!



When I was walking to the stage I saw Niall walking so I ran up to him and hugged him from behind having my hands on his waist and my head on his shoulder. I then said " maybe after the concert you and I can talk in your dressing room. If that's okay with you." I saw Niall smile and then I let go of Niall and he turned around saying "Only if you protect me from Zayn. He is giving me a death stare."

I looked behind me seeing Zayn look at Niall. I wanted to go up to him and tell him to stop but then I heard the music start and that was our reminder the concert was about to start. I whispered in Niall's ear " stay by me and stay far away from Zayn. I'll protect you."

I saw Niall start to walk on stage so I followed behind watching Zayn walk beside me. We started to sing I couldn't stop thinking about Niall and me in the same room alone. Dream come true please.



We were singing our last song when I remembered Liam wanted to talk to me later. I saw Liam looking at me smiling and I smiled bad which made a lot of fans get loud. Then I saw Zayn walking towards me.

" Hey mate," Zayn said. I felt my stomach starting to hurt from being this close to Zayn. I looked at Liam giving a "please help me" look. I saw Liam walking over slowly to not cause the fans to notice. I looked back at Zayn and said "hey." "I hope that there are no hard feelings between us. I really want to forget this happend. All that matters is that Liam is happy," Zayn said waiting for a reply.

But how could I even forget what happend. Before I could respond I saw Liam get between Zayn and I. "What did you say to Niall," Liam asked in a protective way. I put my hand on his waist, which caused the fans to scream so loud, just in case Liam tried to hit Zayn I could pull him away.

"Nothing... I just asked if we could just forget what happend and hope that there are no hard feelings between us," Zayn said looking at me to reply. "Why would he? You reinjured his knee and made it pop," Liam said putting one hand on his waist so our hands were touching. I saw Zayn look at my knee and he said "sorry." I then realized we were still singing and my solo came up. I sang it the best I could. Then the song was over and we thanked the fans for everything they have done.


I was heading to my dressing room and saw Liam behind me. I opened my door and let Liam go in first. "So you wanted to talk," I asked feeling stupid asking that. " so remember when I said I liked someone else," Liam asked. "Yea I remember that,"I said waiting for him to talk.

I was puzzled and shocked when I felt a pair of lips on mine. At first I just stood there shocked. Then after a while I started to kiss back putting my hands around his neck and his hands were around my waist pulling me closer to him.

We kept kissing until I had to pull away to breath. "It's good that we are singers, we can kiss longer," Liam said smiling at me. I laughed and then asked Liam " what does this make us?" Liam stared into my eyes with a smirk on his face and said " more then friends." My smile grew bigger and I walked up to him and hugged him putting my head on his shoulder he put his arms around my waist pulling me closer again. I will enjoy this.

Louis -I'm back sorry me and Harry were having a snogging session-

Harry and I are in our dressing room. We finally got management to let us share one together. Now we get some alone time after and before concerts." So what do you think happend between Liam and Zayn," Harry asked while sitting on my lap. "I don't know . Remember we left before everything happend," I said having a flashback of what magically happend.


We exited the room heading to our dressing room to talk. "What did you want to talk about that we had to be alone," I asked worried. "This," Harry said moving closer. I was about to say something when I was taken back by Harry's lips on mine moving slowly.........

Don't worry there is more to the flashback but I wanted it to be on my next chapter. Warning it is smut. Which I'm really bad at writing.
Hope you enjoyed!!!

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