Wonderful News

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I only had to clear my head.

That's all. I didn't leave because I thought Jai was some freak of nature for liking me the way he did.

It was more shock than anything else. And not the shock you'd think I was feeling. It wasn't a shock directed towards Jai's confession or even his feelings themselves. It was because I couldn't believe  that he had actually felt that way about me.

Don't get me wrong, my heart literally lurched in my chest once I learned the way Jai felt towards me.

I needed to clear my head.

So, I left.

I know that probably wasn't the best move to make, just leave Jai like that after confessing what he had, because c'mon, that probably wouldn't be too easy for anyone to admit.

Rejection was something anyone and everyone can and will face throughout their whole life at least once.

Whether it's rejection having to do with your peers and fitting in, or if it's more focused on a relationship, everyone faces this rejection.

And then I get up and leave Jai after he confessed his feelings for me. He was probably feeling just that; rejection.

It made my stomach twist to think that I had caused Jai to feel this way, but what else was I supposed to do? I needed to clear my head.

Once I was outside, I took a cab back home and quickly raced up the steps, ignoring Beau's questions. I arrived in my room and closed the door, sliding the lock over and laying down on my bed.

I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I had been holding in. My eye's slipped shut and the faintest, smallest smile formed on my lips.

Jai liked me.

He really did.

My smile slowly faded off of my face as another thought hit me.

What would mum say? And Beau? And Wil—I mean, father?

I quickly dragged my hand down my face, letting a frustrated sigh pass my lips. "Shit.."

There was a soft knock on my door and my mum's voice came through the door, "Luke, are you okay honey? Beau said you came in looking upset.." she paused, "Where's Jai?"

I knew I couldn't ignore her. She'd just have one of the maids open the door or something to that extent. So, I dragged my feet along on the floor as I walked slowly towards the door. I slid the lock over once again and pulled the door open, "Yes?"

Her face was soft and she smiled, "Luke, are you okay? Did something happen between you and your brother?" Something flashed across her face that I couldn't quite put my finger on. So, I ignored it.

"Yeah, everything's fine..I, uh, my head hurt so I decided to come home from the restaurant. Jai should be home any moment now.." Wasn't a complete lie.

I didn't like lying to my mum, she'd done so much and had been there for me through everything so the least I could do was be honest, or in this case, half honest with her.

I wasn't ready to tell her about the shared feelings between Jai and I because as it currently was, there was nothing between us. For now.

Besides, I didn't know how Jai would exactly react to that, me telling mum without his consent or without him knowing. So, it was best to not.

She placed her hand on my cheek and looked at me with mild sympathy, "Then you should be laying down. Try and get some rest. Hopefully, when you wake up you'll be able to be fitted by a couple designers who are waiting for you and your brothers."

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