Life of a Rich Kid

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Living life with everything you want does get pretty boring if you ask me. I mean sure, I've got all the gaming systems a boy my age could want, but in the end it all becomes..boring.

You can call me a snob or stuck up or anything you'd like but it's the truth. So, I turned to doing other things to entertain myself in my free time.

Pranks, pranks, and more pranks.

At first Mum was pissed about the pranks being pulled. Then she got even angrier and then she laughed about a couple and so on and so forth.

She really couldn't decide if she was amused by the pranks or pissed.

I remember the best prank I pulled was when I switched out Beau's shampoo with some Nair I found in Mum's room.

I had no idea what the hell Nair was, and really I just thought it was some shampoo that made you smell really terrble.

I was wrong.

Turns out, Nair removes your hair. And it will remove all of it if you leave it in long enough.

The reaction I got out of my oldest brother was hilarious and I laughed for days about it.

What happened was he put it in his hair, not even realizing the smell that it gave off and instantly rinsed it out.

Now, thankfully, he didn't let it sit in his hair for too long or he probably would have gone bald (which would have been equally as funny.)

However, he did lose quite a bit of hair and he smelled like rotten eggs for three days.

And not only I found it funny. Jai too found the whole prank situation hilarious and was obviously intrigued by what I had done so he just had to do the same.

But to me.

Jai decided it would be best to pull probably the best prank of all time on me.

He super glued legos all over me.

And when I say all over me I mean all over me.

On my face, on my chest,on my neck,on know.

And Jesus Christ did it hurt to pull those off. Especially from my hair.

And each Lego ripped off my skin and hair as well.

I don't think he exactly meant for his prank to become that extreme,  but boy did he get a kick out of it.

I didn't. Beau thought it was hilarious and high fived Jai just about every day because of how much pain that damn prank put me through.

I did not share their amusement, and they were forced to do a ton of chores thanks to my Mum who was not fond of the prank they had pulled either.

But the pranks didn't end there.

I got Jai back with super gluing his toes together and putting piss in his cup.

You see, every morning Jai drinks this weird juice that he seems to be like addicted to.

So after super gluing all of his toes together, I told the Chef that I'd bring Jai his drink.

I dumped the contents of the drink out and pissed in the cup, put it in another cup that wasn't see through and set it in Jai's spot.

I watched him get out of bed and attempt to walk.

When I had super glued his toes together, I threw off his balance completely, watching him stumble around his room, watching him flailing and trying ro grab the wall for support.

It didn't work.

He finally realized what was going on and literally, he had to rip his toes away from each other.

He came downstairs all pissed off and sat down, glaring between Beau and I.

Then, he took a sip of his drink.

Let me say this, I ended up with my own piss all over me and a glass cup chucked at me.

My Mum was furious with what we were all doing to each other, and tacked on a bunch of chores for us.

Pranks didn't stop there. I'm pretty sure we pulled every prank possible on each other.

Eventually the pranks were put to a stop and the fun ended for us.

And then daily life resumed.

Daily life for me is rather..repetitive.

Wake up, eat breakfast, say good morning to William, Mum, Beau and Jai.

Beau and Jai were zombies in the morning so all I ever got from them was a simple grunt as a greeting.

William would flash me a white smile and say, "Good morning Jai."

And every morning I'd correct him as politely as I could and say, "Luke."

William would laugh and apologize,  quickly correcting himself.

I carried on with my day.

It seemed like a regular thing for him to call me Jai and to call Jai my name.

I know he was making an effort to distinguish Jai and I from one another but his attempts never paid off.

It's really irritating to me when people call me Jai, because that's not my name.

I try to be as polite as possible about correcting them but it seemed like the only people who ever got it right were Beau and Mum.

I tried to look past the fact that some people just couldn't learn, but it irritated me so much that sometimes I snapped.

And when I snapped, I snapped.

Again, the topic of our names is another topic for another time.

Back to daily life.

Living in this billion dollar house is great and all, but sometimes I miss our old one.

The only thing I don't miss, is the cooking. The cooking here is done by the chef and let me tell you, he knows what he's doing.

Every meal is prepared to our exact want. If I don't like corn, I don't get corn. If I want extra fries, I get extra fries.

The best thing about this is that the kitchen is literally open just about twenty four seven.

If I want a milkshake at two in the morning, I get a milkshake at two in the morning.

Of course, there are a few rules for this wonderful life we live.

Don't touch William's cars, don't go in certain rooms, and don't order alcoholic drinks from the kitchen staff.

Stupid rules that all three of us have broken once or twice.

In addition to getting whatever meal we want, we have everything else we could ever want.

Well, almost.

We aren't always given what we want. If what we want is completely ridiculous, then we don't get it.

But really, why would we ask for something we know we would never get?

Why do I want something I know I can never have?


While everyone thought we could have whatever we wanted, there is always one thing you just can't have.

And that's coming from me. The step son of a very wealthy man.

Well all the games, free WiFi, nice phones and great food is nice, but I can't have the one thing I want most.

What do I want most?

Well, that's another topic for another time.


This chapter was written by jaibrooksisperfect !

Ily all!

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