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The car ride to the airport was long and boring. My father and I made small talk here and there, but the things we spoke of didn't spark any interest in me.

He asked me simple things like,

How are you? How many drawings have you made? What's your favorite color? Have you been to New York before?

My answers were blunt and subtle.

Fine. Too many. Red. No

Perhaps it was rude of me to not make more of an effort to talk with him, but whenever Luke isn't with me, I bottle up inside and forget how to be myself. I consider how much I rely on my Luke to be quite dangerous. If something were to ever happen to him, I can assure you that I would literally go out of my freaking mind.

And as we drove in silence for the rest of the car ride, I couldn't help but miss Luke already. It was sad and boring without him here. It was weird and awkward without his voice. It was scary and nerve racking without his hand in mine.

"We're here. Let's grab our suitcases from the back, and then head inside the airport quickly. It's almost time to board our flight." My father said as he parked the car. I nodded, and then stepped out of the car.

I gathered my belongings from the trunk, and then I made my way into the airport. I didn't wait for my father, no I went on in all by myself. I didn't even look back to see if he were following.

"Jai! Son wait up!" I heard him yell from a ways away behind me.

I froze. The word son made my blood run cold and my eyes widen. I didn't like the feeling that that stupid word gave me. I wasn't his son. He doesn't have the right to call me that. A son is a younger offspring that you love, and I know well that he doesn't love me. He loves my mother, and my brothers and I are just three price tags he's trying to pay off so that he can purchase my mother's full cost.

"Thanks kiddo. Now c'mon! We're gonna miss our flight." He patted me on the back once he finally caught up to me. The gesture gave me a tingly feeing. I didn't like it.

He walked ahead of me, and I was still frozen unable to move.

Though he eventually turned back to face me once he realized that I wasn't following him.

"You okay?" He asked concerned.

I blinked my eyes and snapped out of my gaze. My feet were able to move again and I managed to then say,

"I'm fine."

When we made it inside the airport, we went to the check-in desk and got our boarding passes. Our bags got checked and then we were all set and ready to go. We had to wait for another 30 minutes or so before we could actually board the plane, so I decided to use my time wisely and try to FaceTime Luke.

I went to a seating area, where there weren't that many people, and I couldn't care less about whether or not my father knew where I was.

I pulled out my pair of headphones from my pocket, plugged an earbud into each of my ears, and then I dialed Luke's number. I clicked on the small video camera button, and then I waited patiently for Luke to answer. Well, more like impatiently-how long does it take to answer a phone!

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