Bye For Now

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"Jai, your father is bringing you to New York City for the show."

I literally couldn't move. This was huge! My artwork was getting serious attention, and who knows what'll happen next?!

My mother was probably more excited than I was. She was clapping her hands, jumping up and down, and then pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh I'm so proud of you baby!" She said to me, and it felt really good to hear those words. Something about hearing your parents say that they're proud of you, makes a warm and happy feeling consume your body.

"Now go pack, because you guys are leaving in about two hours." My mother said as she gently pushed me off in the direction of my room excitedly.

"This is awesome! Luke c'mon we can pack together!" I happily said, turning back and reaching to grab Luke. Luke was smiling, and I could tell he was really happy for me.

"Um Jai? Luke isn't going to New York with you. He and Beau have to do the modeling for your father's new clothing line remember? Luke's staying here." My mother said to me, and my heart fell.

Luke wasn't going with me? Why?! I mean yeah, she just told me the reason, but that wasn't good enough! I don't want to go to New York by myself! I don't want to experience something as big as this alone! I don't want to be with my father without Luke!

"W-what?" I asked.

"Jai I know this is difficult because you two are always together, but this time, you guys can't be together and there's nothing we can do. Luke already agreed to do the clothing line request, so he can't bail out now." My mother sternly said before leaving the room.

I was silent, the sound of heartbreak being the only thing you could hear.

"Jai it's alright. It's only for the week right? I'm sure you'll have a great time." Luke said to me, the sound of sadness failing to hide itself.

"B-but I-" I was getting ready to say something, but Luke interrupted me and said,

"C'mon let's go get you packed." He then grabbed my hand and led me to my room.

I didn't say anything, because in all honesty, I didn't know what to say or do! This is a big deal for me! It's huge actually! It's like a dream come true because ever since I was a kid, I've dreamt of having my art work displayed in the Annual New York Art Show. Only the best of the best work is there!

But I didn't want to do this without Luke by my side.

"Jai? Jai are you listening? Hello?! I asked if you wanted your red beanie or your blue one." Luke said to me. He's been talking to me for who knows how long and I was too deep in my thoughts to realize.

"Luke I don't think-"

"Neither of them? Yeah I agree. The brown one looks best on you."

"No I mean I don't think I wanna-"

"How about this, I'll put all three in your suitcase, so then you can have a variety of choices when you get to New York."

"Luke!" I had to yell to get his attention.

"Yeah?" He questioned, pausing all that he was doing.

"I don't want to go." I said as I looked down at the ground.

"What? Jai are you crazy?! This is such a big deal for you! You can't just not go!" He said to me in disbelief.

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