Jack Skellington CreepyPasta

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You sleep in your room, your a 12 year old girl, your life is perfect and are afraid of everything when you hear a soft scream that sounds like it's coming from outside and you get up and walk to the window

At the window you here "I'm Jack... The pumpkin king..." Then you back slowly from the window your eyes wide and you whisper "Y-Your real..." Then you hear laughter and see a slim white figure in a suit with a skeleton head and a stitched on smile and no eyes and he says "Young girl, bow to your king..." Then there's even more laughter

He slowly walks to your window and puts his face against it and he slowly lifts it open and walks in and he looks down at you and you slowly back away and he smiles and says "Young girl, are you afraid of me?" Then you nod your head slowly and back away faster, tears streaming down your face and he laughs and says "Good..." Then he start to run for the door when he lunges at you and he screeches like a banshee making you cover your ears screaming and sobbing when he wraps his bony hand around your neck

He starts to squeeze tightly on your neck, squeezing the young life out of you and he puts you on his shoulder and starts to walk and he magically appears back at Halloween Town and walks towards Dr. Frankensteins lab and he walks in, you still slung over his shoulder as blood drips from your eyes and mouth

Dr. Stein sets you on his work table and Jack says "Make her like Sally..." And he nods and cuts a hole in your stomach and removes all of your organs and he removes all of your skin and replaces it with beautiful silk fabric stitched together in different colors and when he is done he gives you beautiful blonde hair, long and curly on the ends and a purple dress made for the little girl you are and he connects the electric wires to jolt you alive...

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