No. 1

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"You can't build
a reputation
on what you are going to do."
--Henry Ford


In high school, you have your typical cliques and groups that no one really cares about, yet everyone wants to be in. It's a tough balance between not batting an eye at it, but also trying not to look like you're making an effort to be in one. The sad thing is, we don't realize that what other people think doesn't matter.

There's that one senior who's friendly to everyone. Always has a smile on their face, always greeting people in the halls. They don't let themselves be defined by a group, so in a way, they're their own group. That was Sawyer.

Then there was always the girl. That one girl who feigns obliviousness to it all, yet is completely in the know of everything that goes on. She doesn't let reality affect her like it affects other people; she sees things differently. That's what's beautiful about her. Alivia.

The jerks. The bullies. The trend-setters. Everyone wants to be them and be like them, but at the same time, we all know they're bad news. They think everything they do is cool and hilarious. That life it just one big party set up for only them to enjoy while they laugh at others who had to work for what they wanted. While they seem to have it all together, they really don't. They have trouble living up to their peers' expectations of them. To them, what people think matters; even if they act like it doesn't.

And that... That was me.

[] September []

"Tin Tin Amble, come in and have a seat for me," the school's guidance counselor, Ms. Jacks, said from behind her desk. She was typing on her computer rather fast and hadn't even looked up to see who it was.

"You got it Ms. Jacks," I said, plopping myself down in the chair in front of her desk.

I knew it was pathetic to try to make conversation with our school's counselor, and quite honestly, no one talked to her just for kicks and giggles. Sure, she was young and pretty, but she had an attitude. She shot me a look and immediately started playing with her engagement ring, as if she thought I was trying to flirt with her. I almost laughed.

Turning to me, she began to start the conversation on her terms.

"Tin Tin, I'm just going to cut to the chase because I know neither of us want to be here-"

"Hey, I'd rather be here than in class," I interrupted, putting my elbows on my knees. She stopped typing and sighed. Then, turning to me, she folded her hands on her desk and made an annoyed face. I shrugged. "It's true," I mumbled.

"Right... Well, we don't have a photography teacher and you've already taken all four courses. So you are going to have to drop it and take another elective. That's why you're here, not just to get out of class, because you're not even supposed to be there in the first place," she explained.

My heart dropped out of my chest.

"You told me when I was scheduling that there was an additional course-" I started.

"Well, they couldn't find the time to make an additional course. Mr. Ked has resigned and we cannot find another teacher so the whole class is being done away with."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked, starting to get irritated.

"I didn't know sooner, Tin Tin, that's why I'm telling you now," she sighed. "So you need another elective for fifth period. I've already done the work for you and found the other classes offered. There's band-"

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