No. 3

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"If we have no peace,
it is because we
have forgotten
that we belong
to each other."
--Mother Teresa


"Mom, you're coming to my soccer game right? It starts at six," Pearl said as my mother walked around the kitchen looking for her purse.

"Of course honey," she said distractedly, shifting the weight of a fussy Asher on her hip.

He was up all night crying, even though he had gotten over his cold a few days ago. It had been a week since I drove Alivia home, a week after the prank. Not much had changed. People recognized me more and everyone acted like we were best friends. Sometimes whenever I would see Alivia in the halls, she would smile a little. Sawyer simply gives me a nod, like he approves of me.

Thankfully no one has asked me to pull another prank. We had a Cross Country meet Tuesday, so I had my meet for the week out of the way. Pearl had a home game was tonight, and I would be there taking some pictures. She seemed to have her heart set on getting Mom there.

"Mom," Pearl stated more directly.

I sighed and pushed my spoon around my cereal bowl. I wanted to tell her that it was no use. My parents have so many things going on that they barely have time to eat, let alone come to our stuff. I learned that the hard way.

"What Pearl?" Mom sighed, straightening herself as she put her now found purse over her shoulder. She bounced Asher up and down on her hip, looking at my sister with an exhausted expression.

"My game. Tonight at six. I'm a starting midfielder on varsity and it's home," she said proudly. "You'll be there right? Promise?"

"I wouldn't miss it," she answered, shuffling through magazines on the counter. I wondered if she was even listening.

"Will you make sure Dad comes too?" Pearl requested hopefully.

"I don't know sweetheart."

Mom was moving again, grabbing Asher's previously packed diaper bag and starting for the door.

"Please?" she prodded.

"I'll try," my mother answered. She gave her a kiss on the cheek, then looked at me. "Tin Tin, don't be late for school, it's already seven."

"I won't," I mumbled as Mom shut the door.

Typically, I don't see either of my parents in the mornings. Dad leaves so early for work and Mom currently doesn't have a job, so she sleeps in then hunts for one during the day. I guess today she had an early job interview. Usually she drops Asher off at Grandma's on the way to her search. That's probably why he's so cranky- she woke him up too early.

"She'll come," Pearl said, gazing at me. It sounded like she was trying to convince herself as much as me. "I know she will."

I nodded and then got up and poured the remains of my cereal in the sink while she headed upstairs to retrieve her backpack. Whatever made Pearl so hopeful about Mom coming, I had no idea. My hope was that it passes; it's hard to watch someone experience the disappointment that follows from falling at that height.

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The bell rang, signaling the end of fifth period and the beginning of first lunch. I had third lunch, so I stayed in art for some type of free study hall while the other two lunch groups went on. Hayden had his headphones in, Marcus' nose was in a chemistry book, and Jimmy was sketching some sort of dragon.

Sighing, I pulled out my own chemistry homework and began on the review questions for the test Friday, which was tomorrow. Chemistry was okay, it wasn't my favorite, but not the worst. The subject that I loathed going to was Pre-Calculus. Math has never been my thing.

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