Chapter 3

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Mercy dragged the rabbit's carcass in a safe little hollow in a tree, where she sat down and started eating it. She looked up, when she heard the fluttering of wings, and prepared herself to flee, if she had too. After she had cleaned the carcass of all its flesh, she curled up and went to sleep where she was. 

"Is it dead?"

"I think so."

Mercy woke up to the chattering of two strange creatures. She opened her eyes and looked at the them to see two large dark gray birds with no feathers on their heads. They both screeched in fear at the same time.

"She's a zombie!" Both of them squawked in union.

Each of them fluttered in different directions, accidently banging into each other with their heads, before flying off. I wonder what creatures they are,  Mercy thought. She gave a huge yawn, and walked out of the hollow in the tree. Where's mother-fox? Mercy wondered for a moment and then almost gaged when the memory of her family's death came rushing at her.

"What am I going to do!?" Mercy mournfully howled to the sky, not expecting an answer.

She ran in any direction, not caring where she was going. She stopped when she heard a low growl, coming from the bushes. A large male gray fox, stalked out of the under growth. He growled and snapped his jaws an inch away from Mercy's nose. Mercy squeaked and stumbled backwards, falling on back.

"You're in my territory," he growled.

"Please, I didn't intend to intrude," Mercy whimpered, showing him a submissive posture.

"But you did! He snapped, bowling her over. 

Mercy struggled to push him off, but it did no good. He was like three times her own size! Mercy nipped at his shoulder, pitifully trying to get him off her, but still he didn't even flinch. He grabbed her by the scruff, and shook her, as if she was only a mouse. He threw her at a tree, and glared at her, ready to pounce again. 

Mercy, using all the strength she had left, lunged at him. Battering at his shoulders, but all he did was raise a paw and fling her away. She pitifully looked up, losing the strength to fight, all she could do was pray that the final blow would be quick. Maybe it's time I see my mother-fox again, Mercy thought.

All of a sudden she heard a vicious snarl, and looked over her shoulder to see a flash of ginger fur with black stripes, leap past her, and topple the fox over. Immediately the gray fox fled, surprised by his attacker.

Mercy weakly stumbled to her paws to see a ginger 5 month old male kitten with black stripes.

 "Hi, I'm Tiger," the kitten said.

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