Chapter 4

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"Hi, I'm Tiger," the kitten said

Mercy tried to hate Tiger, her mother had always told her that a fox should hate cats. But she couldn't find the hatred in her. How could she hate her savior? If it wasn't for him, the gray fox would've made dog meat of her for sure.

"What's your name?" Tiger asked.

"Mercy," she replied.

"Well Mercy, what are you doing out here alone? Where's your mother-fox?" Tiger asked.

"I can say the same thing for you," Mercy said flatly.

"Alright," Tiger sighed, "my mother was taken by humans, in the city. Now what about you?"

"These large gray dogs came and killed them." 

"The gray dogs are called wolves." Tiger said.

Mercy's hackles began to rise, she felt as if this was a word to be afraid of.

"Don't worry," Tiger soothed, "there's only one pack living here, and they usually don't come this far."

They heard a squaking come from up above, and Mercy looked up to see the large gray bird from before, only they were smaller because they were at a distance.

"What are those?" Mercy asked.

"Where do you come from if you don't know what a vulture is?" Tiger gasped.

"I'm only 3 moons old," Mercy exclaimed. "But will they attack us?"

"Vultures? Not likely. They usually eat dead things," Tiger explained. "But if their really hungry they will try to attack."

"That makes me feel better," Mercy muttered under her breath.

"By the way, what's a zombie?" Mercy asked.

"Now I can undestand not knowing what a zombie is," Tiger said, "it's a human word for a dead thing, that's supposed to be dead, but it's still moving. Don't worry though. Zombies aren't real."

"What do they eat?" Mercy asked nervously.

"They eat flesh, but while you're still alive," Tiger said.

"What!" She gasped.

"Don't worry their not real," Tiger said soothingly.

"Alright," Mercy said, still casting nervous glances from side to side.

"Why did you ask?" Tiger said wanting an explanation.

"I saw those vulture earlier," Mercy explained, giving a quick glance to the sky, "And they thought I was a zombie."

"Oh," Tiger laughed. "Pay no attention to vultures. Mice are smarter than them."

Mercy chuckled, her fears of the vultures and the zombies fading away with the wind. "Do you know how to hunt?" She asked.

"Yah," Tiger said. "Why? You hungry?"

"A little?" Mercy yapped.

"Well then stay right here, I'll catch us both something to eat," Tiger responded, slinking away into the woods.

Mercy was left alone, waiting paitently for Tiger to return. She heard a rustling in the bush, and her haed snapped upward in fear.


Mercy froze in sheer terror, as she saw an adder slither towards her. It was getting ready to strike, and then lunged forward. This is it, Mercy thought, I'm surly dead now.

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