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Mark's P.O.V

I had called the police after I saw that note. Everything was now upside down. (Y/N) was gone; where the hell could she be? Who took her, and why did they take her? The only person I thought about was (Y/N), she was my every waking thought.

Videos were postponed until (Y/N) was back here and in my arms. The ring I had bought for her was in my drawer; never to be touched until she came back. I looked at every once and a while; wondering what it would look like on her (the hand you use to do everything with). The hand I held and kissed so many times... who knows where she is...

I am a total mess; weeks have passed and I'm a mess. Hair is messy; I can't get out of bed without crying and missing her. I can't motivate myself to go on... she deserved better... I shouldn't have left her alone! I just wanted her to be mine forever...

Jack and Yami had come as soon as they could. Sean was a wreck; (Y/N) and Sean had become pretty good friends. After all, he's the reason we are together. (Y/N) why... WHY?!

I heard the door open and peak out the window. It was the cops; probably to else useless news about having no idea where she went. Sean goes to open the door; and I watch as the red headed cop, Rin, step inside.

"Hello Mark. We have some news." He says in his gruff voice; he didn't seem excited.

"What's up? Any whereabouts of the bastards that decided to kidnap my love?!" I scream and feel tears trickle down my face.

"We're trying our best! Just calm down. We don't have any whereabouts. Where trying to find the car the suspects may be driving. It could give us a clue and we can start asking around. We have a lot of support; most coming from your 10 million subscribers. They're trying to help. So just calm down." Rin mutters and walks out soon after his rant. I'm going to owe that man a lot once this is all figured out.

Sean sighs and rubs his eyes; walking over to me and giving me a big hug.

"It's not fair Sean. It's not F#%€£&$ fair." I scream as I cry. 

Sean starts to cry as well; hugging me tightly and Yami soon joining. I felt wasted and awful; this whole thing was unfair. First, Danny.. and now this. Now f8$@#%+ this. (Y/N) I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.

I hear the phone chime; I huff in anger, I didn't want to be bothered right now... I couldn't be bothered right now. This was all so stupid... this all hurt too much.

Yami goes to answer the phone; soon handing it to me after I plead him not to talk. He forces me to take it and I put the speaker up to my ear.

"YOU LET MY (Y/N) GET KIDNAPPED?!" Mackenzie screams into the phone.. her voice wavering.

"I'm sorry Mackenzie... I was picking out engagement ring and they just... She was gone. I'm so sorry.." I whimper out; I was so done with all of this.

"I-I'm so sorry. I was just so worried and I'm so upset. C-can I come over?" Mackenzie whimpers through the phone.

"Of course. Come when you can." I stutter out and hang up the phone.

This was a mess; everything seems awful. I just do want (Y/N) back.. is that too much to ask for? To have my girlfriend in my arms again. To kiss her soft; pink lips. To hug her soft body and meat her voice again. Why was she taken away from me?!

I look at the shirts and things she left her. A stuffed animal, a Tiny Box Tina that looked like a box version of her. Her perfume... her shampoo and conditioner.. They were all here, but no (Y/N) to use them. (Y/N)... where are you?


Kaylee's P.O.V

They had her; they're finally reunited with their daughter. I was so glad she was out of the picture. Mark would soon forget about her and Id be quick to take her place.

I look over at my kids; their father was a coward... left me after I told him I was pregnant. Those two want a father very badly, especially little Mark. He's so cute; that's why I named him after my best looking ex.

They are set on the idea of Mark being their real father. I still remember when they saw Mark kissing that ugly wench of a girl. Well, she's not my problem anymore. I'm glad I found her parents. They were so happy to find that (Y/N) was okay. That those scars still haunted her.

They were paying my rent with some drug money they earned. That was our trade. They helped me live, while I gave them their daughter. I slightly easy task of I was to be honest. She's such an easy target. So innocent... so poor.

She should learn not to mess with fire. Only hurts you more than you actually are. I learned that a long time ago. It will only help her learn that the world is a lonely place that takes... it doesn't give.

Her story is one cliché idiotic one. Parents abused her until the the police seperated them. They gained her back again and she was silent... a good little girl. That was until she told her movie-star friend Mackenzie. Who then helped her and broke her out of it.

Parents were jailed forever; that was until they broke out just a couple months ago. Searching for their "darling" daughter. Eventually, they ended up in L.A and ran into me. That's where the plan began.

It was complicated though. Mark and that skunk bag were in Ohio. We couldn't attack her then. Once word got around; they made the big mistake of going home. I monitored Mark's house 24/7 until I overheard him talking about being gone all day. That's when we made our strike.

They have (Y/N) back at home... the house that was condemned but never burned down. Making stupid mistakes leads to bad things. That's what I hate about cops; they can never be precise.

"Will we be able to see daddy soon?" I hear Lily ask.

I smirk to myself and turn my chair so I can look at her.

"Yes we will Lilly, yes we will."

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