"Golden Demise"

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I've loved Macbeth ever since I read it in high school, which is when I wrote this poem about it, back in in 2003. It poured out of me in about ten minutes in English class when we were reading it. Enjoy.....

"Golden Demise"

Behold, the glorious gilded crown!

Tantalized by such perfection,
so pretty with its decay,

I, oblivious to mine infection,
let my logic slip away

This cumbersome diadem clipp'd my moral wings,
So subversive to my sanity,
I grew numb to living things.

Daunting daggers and dreaming death,
I await my gleaming power!
My raw ambition, I attest.
But then the milk went sour.

Occult controls, and yet I clutch my Fate,
Such the time truth unfolds
Fortune knows and knows too late!

After the black of blackest nights, I claimed my infested throne
Sick imagination took more flights and so my terror roamed

Upon the first stab, Morpheus was slain!

Cosmic powers lost their balance,
and chaos began to reign.

Macbeth just wanted peace, but he couldn't get to bed.
His very conscience fell asleep, and he slowly lost his head.

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