Staceys attack

18 2 0

18 years later amber and chris have a daughter named stacey and a boy they raised named trey. That they found in a corner of an abandon house cornered by a few zombies and he was only two years old

On Stacey's 18 birthday she was feeling weak and sick that her powers where coming in so her dad got her a necklace that held her power in the gem and protected her from getting harmed by anyone.

Later that night Anthony and Stacy walked into the woods.

......... Anthony??........yes Stacy?.......Anthony was it true that I was born into the zombie infested world? And what was it like before all the dead people started walking around? Um yea it was true and it was worse people stole from each other people killed other people for no reason there was all this drugs. I personally like the zombie infested world a whole lot better.

Oh but why did people steal from each other sitting down on a large stone that was in the middle of the woods.

Stacey no one knows why some were poor some were jail birds or JD and they just like it so much and they don't want pay and the person steals it back.

Oh Stacey looks at him then walks around the woods.

Stacey! don't walk off to far Anthony yells


Shit Stacey where are u!

Stacey is surrounded by five men in dark suits and they gang up on her and try to kidnapp her

Anthony and Chris come out of no where and kill everyone of them

Stacey looks at Chris saying dad and hugs him

Chris pets her and kissed her head saying baby girl we need to go home and he walks her home

The next day Stacey wakes up looking for her parents

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