Geogries death

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Surgi Angel there's too many of them we have to go back to base now everyone down we can't find them all

Theres to many of them

Angel Surgi and Georgie they start running towards the base the zombies chasing and gaining up on them Georgie ran back to sacrifice Surge screams pulling angel away and they teleport to in the base Sturgills Angel seen shut it down lock the doors I'll go get the kids

surge walks down the hall to where the kids are the kids are

Sophia and noah where hugging each other scared and when angel and surge walks into the safe room with surge she hugs the kids and crys into noahs shoulders saying ur father sacrificed himself just to save us

Noah crys and cuddles angel sucking his thumb and she rocks him to sleep

Zombies in a mall 1Where stories live. Discover now