Herbs And Their Locations

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Want these herbs, but don't know where they are located? All information is below!

Alder Bark: Boggy, wet terrains

Blackberry Leaves: Almost anywhere; they are very handy plants

Borage Leaves: Grows best in forests

Burdock Root: Grows best in dry areas

Catmint (also called catnip): Rarely found in the wild; mostly found in Twoleg gardens

Celandine: Grows better on ThunderClan's territory, though it also grows on RiverClan's territory

Chamomile: Twoleg gardens

Chervil: Forest Territories, such as Snakerocks

Chervil Root: Forest territories, such as Snakerocks

Chickweed: Forest territories, such as Snakerocks

Coltsfoot: Grows by a waterfall in RiverClan's forest territory. It also grows well in ShadowClan's lake territory

Comfrey: Damp, grassy places

Daisy Leaves: Almost everywhere

Dandelion Leaves: Almost everywhere

Dock Leaves: Doesn't grow well in mountains, best in leafy areas

Elder Leaves: Almost everywhere

Feaverfew: Along the water

Goldenrod: WindClan moors

Goosegrass: Grassy places

Horsetail: Any marshy area

Juniper Berries: Places that are not wet

Lavender: Twoleg gardens, or can be found in sunny slots with sandy or gravelly soil

Mallow: Near the shore; best collected at sunhigh when they are dry

Marigold: Near water

Nettle Leaves: Forest territories

Nettle Seeds: Forest territories

Oak Leaves: All over the forest and collected in leaf-fall

Parsley: Moist, well drained soil full of sun

Poppy Seeds: All over forests

Ragwort Leaves: Almost everywhere, especially in cool areas with high rainfall

Raspberry Leaves: Raspberry bushes

Snake Root: Warmer areas, however some grow in cooler areas

Tansy: In the forest near Twoleg places

Thyme: Hot, sunny locations

Tormentil: Cool or cold areas, but other types may be found in gardens

Traveling Herbs: Sorrel can be found near Twoleg nests. Daisy can be found almost everywhere. Chamomile can be found in Twoleg gardens. Burnet can be usually found in dry, grassy meadows

Watermint: Streams or damp earth

Yarrow: In the Forest Territories such as Snakerocks

Cobwebs: All around the forest; wherever spiders may harbor

Honey: Honeycombs or bee nests up in trees

Mouse Bile: Anywhere that mice may be present

Wild Garlic: Not far from the entrance of ThunderClan's camp

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