
3.1K 46 10

Clan Information:

Founder: Scourge
Current Leader: Ice and Snake

Unique Skills:


BloodClan is a dangerous group of cats made up of feral cats from the Twolegplace. They are highly trained fighters, whose harsh lifestyle contributes to their strength and fortitude. They rarely show any signs of mercy to other cats.


BloodClan is not an official Clan, but more of a loosely organized group of hostile alley cats who live together in Twolegplace for mutual protection from Twolegs. They mostly feed on Twoleg trash. Live prey is scarce, except for the occasional rat. Their leader is Scourge (formerly named Tiny), a small black cat with one white paw, icy blue eyes, and an eerie, high-pitched voice that sounds like the splintering of ice. They don't have an "official" deputy, but the cat closest to Scourge is a muscular black and white tom with green eyes named Bone. He does most of Scourge's dirty work, and keeps the other cats of BloodClan in line by force. The highest ranked cats in BloodClan attach dog teeth to their claws to look threatening to other cats and to make their blows more effective while fighting. They do not have a medicine cat, and the elders, queens, and kits are never cared for; if a cat can't hunt for itself, then that cat will die.

Cats are required to live on their own, and living in family groups is forbidden, given Scourge's concern that some cats will join together against him. Mothers are forced to train their kits, teaching them how to hunt, fight, and generally everything basic, and at the age of twelve moons, kits leave their mothers, so they are forced to rely on Scourge and Bone.

Barley, a former member of BloodClan, informs the ThunderClan leader, Firestar, that BloodClan's biggest weakness is their disbelief in StarClan. This means that the leader will not receive nine lives, which is proven when Scourge is killed.


BloodClan lives in Twolegplace, where the ground is hard, there are many loud, frightening noises, and the stench of Twolegs and their monsters fills the air. To Clan cats, such as Tigerstar, who are completely used to the forest, walking through the dirty alleys in Twolegplace is like being deaf, blind, and lame. In the town where BloodClan lives, there are many, many, cats, and live prey is scarce. Near the Twolegplace where BloodClan lives, there is a Thunderpath, and a park.

Other Clan Information

Cat Characteristics:

BloodClan cats do not have a belief in StarClan or the warrior code. Because of this, the leader does not have the nine lives granted to Clan leaders. Many cats of BloodClan impale their collars with teeth of cats and even dogs, wearing them like trophies and making them appear more intimidating. Scourge, plus some BloodClan cats who are high in rank in Scourge's guard have their claws reinforced with dogs' teeth and/or claws.

Other Facts:

Only a few known connections exist in the Clans (or around them) to BloodClan, the ShadowClan warrior Boulder, Barley, the loner, and Violet, the kittypet. There have been only one set of BloodClan allegiances, included in the allegiances of The Darkest Hour. Another known fact is that Scourge is Firestar's half brother.

History of Ranks:


Name: Scourge
Gained Rank In: The Rise of Scourge
Left Rank In: The Darkest Hour

Names: Ice and Snake
Deputy(s): N/A
Gained Rank In: A Clan in Need
Left Rank In: A Clan in Need


Name: Bone
Gained Rank In: The Rise of Scourge
Left Rank In: The Darkest Hour

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