
2.1K 33 29


In the Forest
The Gorge

Clan Information:

Founder: Skystar / Clear Sky
Current Leader: Leafstar

Unique Skills:

Leaping and climbing

SkyClan is a group of cats that live in a gorge with rocky cliffs, that zigzag down to the base. The founding leader, Skystar, was the first ever leader prior to the group being named, so by extension the suffix "Sky" was thought to be given to the Clan as its prefix.


SkyClan was the fifth Clan, but was forced to leave the forest because Twolegs had invaded and taken over their territory, turning it into the Twolegplace cats see now. Their current leader at that time, Cloudstar, appealed to the other Clan leaders at a Gathering and asked for them each to give up some of their territory for SkyClan.Each Clan gave reasons to refuse to let SkyClan stay, and in the end, the Clan was driven out. Because of this, Cloudstar swore that SkyClan will never look to their warrior ancestors again. Cloudstar's mate, Birdflight, was offered a place in ThunderClan by Kestrelwing, the ThunderClan medicine cat with her kits, since she had just given birth to them and that were too young to make the journey to SkyClan's new home. With much sorrow, Birdflight accepted and promises Cloudstar that they will someday meet again.
Later, SkyClan was brought back by Firestar in Firestar's Quest, a journey in which the ThunderClan leader, Firestar, and his mate, Sandstorm, traveled to the gorge to bring back the Clan. Modern SkyClan is a Clan of cats with strongly built hind legs which allow them to jump great heights or distances inherited from their ancestors, ancient SkyClan. They have rough, hard gray pads which help them to jump and walk long distances on hard, rough surfaces without breaking skin, which makes them infected. This feature allows them to climb and hunt in the trees, hence the name SkyClan. They are very powerful cats, who are a bit like ThunderClan, eating mainly squirrels, mice, and many kinds of birds.

History of Ranks:



Name: Skystar ♂
Deputy(s): Unknown
Gained Rank: Moth Flight's Vision
Left Rank: Before "Finders Keepers"

Name: Birchstar ♀
Deputy(s): Rainsplash
Gained Rank: Before "Finders Keepers"
Left Rank: Before "Follow My Leader"

Name: Beechstar ♂
Deputy(s): Maplewhisker
Gained Rank: Before "Follow My Leader"
Left Rank: "Follow My Leader"

Name: Mothpelt ♂
Deputy(s): Unknown
Gained Rank: "Follow My Leader"
Left Rank: "Follow My Leader"

Name: Maplestar ♀
Deputy(s): Unknown
Gained Rank: "Follow My Leader"
Left Rank: Before "The Vanishing Moon"

Name: Dewstar ♂
Deputy(s): Unknown
Gained Rank: Before "The Vanishing Moon"
Left Rank: Before "The Vanishing Moon"

Name: Hawkstar ♂
Deputy(s): Robinstar
Gained Rank: Before "The Vanishing Moon"
Left Rank: Before "Poppycloud's Rule"

Name: Robinstar ?
Deputy(s): Unknown
Gained Rank: Before "Poppycloud's Rule"
Left Rank: Before "Poppycloud's Rule"

Name: Rowanstar ♂
Deputy(s): Unknown
Gained Rank: Before "Poppycloud's Rule"
Left Rank: Before "Darkstar's Law"

Name: Darkstar ♂
Deputy(s): Raincloud
Gained Rank: Before "Darkstar's Law"
Left Rank: Before "The Leader Who Sought Peace"

Name: Fennelstar ?
Deputy(s): Unknown
Gained Rank: Before "The Leader Who Sought Peace"
Left Rank: Before "A Lesson to Kittypet Thieves"

Name: Flystar ♂
Deputy(s): Petalfall
Gained Rank: Before "A Lesson to Kittypet Thieves"
Left Rank: Before Cloudstar's Journey

Name: Cloudstar ♂
Deputy(s): Buzzardtail
Gained Rank: Before Cloudstar's Journey
Left Rank: Before Firestar's Quest

Name: Buzzardstar ♂
Deputy(s): Unknown
Gained Rank: Before Firestar's Quest
Left Rank: Before Firestar's Quest

Name: Spiderstar ♂
Deputy(s): Honeyleaf
Gained Rank: Before Firestar's Quest
Left Rank: Before Firestar's Quest

Name: Firestar (unofficially) ♂
Deputy(s): N/A
Gained Rank: Firestar's Quest
Left Rank: Firestar's Quest

Name: Leafstar ♀
Deputy(s): Sharpclaw
Gained Rank: Firestar's Quest
Left Rank: ---


Name: Rainsplash ♂
Gained Rank: Before "Finders Keepers"
Left Rank: Before "Follow My Leader"

Name: Maplewhisker ♀
Gained Rank: Before "Follow My Leader"
Left Rank: "Follow My Leader"

Name: Nightmask ♂
Gained Rank: Before "Poppycloud's Rule"
Left Rank: Before "Darkstar's Rule"

Name: Raincloud ♀
Gained Rank: Before "Darkstar's Law"
Left Rank: Before "A Lesson to Kittypet Thieves"

Name: Petalfall ♀
Gained Rank: Before "A Lesson to Kittypet Thieves"
Left Rank: Before Cloudstar's Journey

Name: Cloudstorm ♂
Gained Rank: Before Cloudstar's Journey
Left Rank: Before Cloudstar's Journey

Name: Buzzardtail ♂
Gained Rank: Before Cloudstar's Journey
Left Rank: Before Firestar's Quest

Name: Honeyleaf ♀
Gained Rank: Before Firestar's Quest
Left Rank: Before Firestar's Quest

Name: Sharpclaw ♂
Gained Rank: Firestar's Quest
Left Rank: ---


Name: Micah ♂
Gained Rank: Moth Flight's Vision
Left Rank: Moth Flight's Vision

Name: Acorn Fur ♀
Gained Rank: Moth Flight's Vision
Left Rank: Before "The Medicine Cats Decide"

Name: Quailfeather ♀
Gained Rank: Before "The Medicine Cats Decide"
Left Rank: Before "The Defeated Clan"

Name: Fawnstep ♀
Gained Rank: Before Cloudstar's Journey
Left Rank: Before Firestar's Quest

Name: Brackenheart ♂
Gained Rank: Before Firestar's Quest
Left Rank: Before Firestar's Quest

Name: Sandstorm (unofficially) ♀
Gained Rank: Firestar's Quest
Left Rank: Firestar's Quest

Name: Echosong ♀
Gained Rank: Firestar's Quest
Left Rank: ---

Name: Frecklewish ♀
Gained Rank: The Rescue
Left Rank: ---

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