A Vision of Shadows [Series 5]

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Fifth Series [5]


Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky

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Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky.

For many moons, the warrior cats have lived in peace in their territories around the lake. But a dark shadow looms on the horizon, and the time has come for one young cat to shape his destiny—and the fate of all the warrior Clans.

Alderpaw, the son of the ThunderClan leader, Bramblestar, is eager to find his place in Clan life. When he begins having strange dreams—visions that can only have been sent by the warrior ancestors in StarClan—Bramblestar names him apprentice to the Clan's medicine cat. But the omens in Alderpaw's dreams will soon send him away from everything he has ever known on a quest to ensure the Clans' survival.

The warrior cat Clans have enjoyed many moons of peace and prosperity—but a dark season approaches, and those days will soon be over. Guided by a mysterious vision, the young apprentice Alderpaw of ThunderClan must go on a dangerous journey . . . a journey that may be the Clans' only hope.

It's been nearly a moon since Alderpaw returned from his quest, unsuccessful but not empty-pawed

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It's been nearly a moon since Alderpaw returned from his quest, unsuccessful but not empty-pawed. The two kits he found, Twigkit and Violetkit, have been taken in by two Clans: ThunderClan and ShadowClan. There is little hope for a reunion, as tension between the Clans begins to rise in the face of a new threat. The same vicious group of rogues that drove out SkyClan has traced Alderpaw's path back to the territories around the lake—and ShadowClan may be the next to fall.

 The same vicious group of rogues that drove out SkyClan has traced Alderpaw's path back to the territories around the lake—and ShadowClan may be the next to fall

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ShadowClan has fallen. A group of rogues now rules the pine forest, and their cruel leader, Darktail, will not stop until he has conquered the rest of the Clans. Alderheart is more certain than ever that their only hope is to find the lost SkyClan and fulfill StarClan's prophecy—before Darktail's vicious reign puts an end to the warrior Clans forever.

 Alderheart is more certain than ever that their only hope is to find the lost SkyClan and fulfill StarClan's prophecy—before Darktail's vicious reign puts an end to the warrior Clans forever

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SkyClan has returned to its rightful place among the other four warrior Clans, hoping to find a new territory to call home. But not every cat is convinced that this is where SkyClan belongs. The careful balance around the lake is more fragile than ever before—and the fate of all the warrior Clans remains uncertain.

The forest is free of Darktail and his vicious rogues, and the long-lost SkyClan has returned to its place among the other four warrior Clans

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The forest is free of Darktail and his vicious rogues, and the long-lost SkyClan has returned to its place among the other four warrior Clans. With StarClan's prophecy fulfilled, many cats believe the danger is past. But after moons of division and strife, ShadowClan is in danger of falling apart forever....

ShadowClan has returned under the leadership of a new Tigerstar, but their renewed strength has brought the tensions around the lake to an explosive breaking point

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ShadowClan has returned under the leadership of a new Tigerstar, but their renewed strength has brought the tensions around the lake to an explosive breaking point. SkyClan's place among the Clans is about to be decided once and for all.

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